人事有代謝, 往來成古今。
江山留勝蹟, 我輩復登臨。
水落魚梁淺, 天寒夢澤深。
羊公碑字在, 讀罷淚沾襟。
on climbing yan mountain with friends
meng haoran
while worldly matters take their turn,
ancient, modern, to and fro,
rivers and mountains are changeless in their glory
and still to be witnessed from this trail.
where a fisher-boat dips by a waterfall,
where the air grows colder, deep in the valley,
the monument of yang remains;
and we have wept, reading the words.
山暝聽猿愁, 滄江急夜流。
風鳴兩岸葉, 月照一孤舟。
建德非吾土, 維揚憶舊遊。
還將兩行淚, 遙寄海西頭。
from a mooring on the tonglu to a friend in yangzhou
meng haoran
with monkeys whimpering on the shadowy mountain,
and the river rushing through the night,
and a wind in the leaves along both banks,
and the moon athwart my solitary sail,
i, a stranger in this inland district,
homesick for my yangzhou friends,
send eastward two long streams of tears
to find the nearest touch of the sea.
北闕休上書, 南山歸敝廬。
不才明主棄, 多病故人疏。
白髮催年老, 青陽逼歲除。
永懷愁不寐, 鬆月夜窗墟。
on returning at the year's end to zhongnan mountain
meng haoran
i petition no more at the north palace-gate.
...to this tumble-down hut on zhongnan mountain
i was banished for my blunders, by a wise ruler.
i have been sick so long i see none of my friends.
my white hairs hasten my decline,
like pale beams ending the old year.
therefore i lie awake and ponder
on the pine-shadowed moonlight in my empty window.
木落雁南渡, 北風江上寒。
我家襄水曲, 遙隔楚雲端。
鄉淚客中盡, 孤帆天際看。
迷津欲有問, 平海夕漫漫。
memories in early winter
meng haoran
south go the wildgesse, for leaves are now falling,
and the water is cold with a wind from the north.
i remember my home; but the xiang river's curves
are walled by the clouds of this southern country.
i go forward. i weep till my tears are spent.
i see a sail in the far sky.
where is the ferry? will somebody tell me?
it's growing rough. it's growing dark.
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