In the fall,
Golden ocean,
All of the wold.
The moon from the harvest joy rises the summit of the mountain with a contented and fall,
light rising from the top of the mountain,
It makes it that bright light is aspersed to the earth like mist,like snow and frost,
As if to talk to and a year of hard labor.
The sky,
On the ground,
Mercedes car sound of a sharp,
The moon is,
Hanging in the air,
Like a beacon,
Guiding the nocturnal people to wards more brilliant tomorrow.
I did not visit relatives in March
Yesterday night dream mother
Busy figure come and go
Cook for the children
your lovemy dream
I don't know how
the world give her love to me
maybe sunshine
maybe rain
maybe the nature
but there is still thunderstorm
hurts me badly
I don't know how
my friends give theri love to me
maybe smiling
maybe hunging
but they can betray me
hurt my heart
But I know how
you give love to me
by comforting
by touching
giving me all
but you hurt me to death
Do you know
your love is my dream
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