What are the most important
What are the most important personal traits linking to success in business? Recent research indicates that human relations are very important in business. “Integrity” and “ability to get along with others” are by far the most important success-related characteristics while “inability to understand others” and “inability to work with others” two most common failings. Luckily, human relations skills can be learned, and practice helps to improve performance.
How to Improve interpersonal relationship
One skill that is helpful in working with people is being able to observe accurately. Most of time, we see events around us from a very personal viewpoint. Our observations are usually laced with assumptions and inferences that distort our ability to see what is happening. Practice in accurate observation helps us to respond more appropriately to the people around us.
The second skill is listening. Listening to other is the most important skill we can learn. We can learn to hear what the other people are saying without defensiveness or judgmental attitudes. We can learn ways to respond, so that other person knows that we have heard what he or she was trying to say.
The third area for learning in human relations is assertiveness: expressing our needs, feelings and ideas clearly, but without stifling others or putting them down. Many interpersonal problems arise from our inability to say what is on our minds in a proper way that people can accept.
The fourth area related to our ability is to recognize the culturally conditioned values of people we work with, and to be able to take them into account. Especially when these values clash with our own, we need to be sensible to the implications of this conflict for our work.
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