Three Turtles三隻烏龜
Three turtles decided to have a cup of coffee. Just as they got into the cafe, it started to rain.
The biggest turtle said to the smallest one, " Go home and get the umbrella."
The little turtle replied, "I will, if you don't drink my offee."
"We won't," the other two promised.
Two years later the big turtle said to the middle turtle, "Well, I guess he isn't coming back, so we might as well drink his coffee."
Just then a voice called from outside the door, "If you do, I won't go."
One day, the phone rang, and a little boy answered.
"May I speak to your parents? "
"They're busy. "
"Oh. Is anybody else there? "
"The police. "
"Can I speak to them?"
"They're busy. "
"Oh. Is anybody else there? "
"The firemen. "
"Can I speak to them? "
"They're busy. "
"So let me get this straight -- your parents, the police, and the firemen are there, but they're all busy? What are they doing?"
"Looking for me. "
Hurrying my 11-year old daughter to school, I made a right turn at a red light when it was prohibited. Uh-oh, I said, realizing my mistake. I just make an illegal turn.
I guess it's all right, my daughter replied, The police car behind us did the same thing.
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