This is a true story, which happened to me. For a while, I worked as a cashier at a local drugstore. Well, one afternoon, while I was working at the drug counter,a woman came in and dropped off 3 prescriptions to be filled. Later, she came back, and wanted to pick up the prescriptions. Two of the prescriptions were ready, with the third stapled to the bag. The pharmacist had already told me about this one.
"Here you go, we were only able to fill two of the prescriptions,” I said.
"Why can’t you fill the other one?" she said.
"I' m sorry, we don't carry that one,” I said.
"Well,can you order it?"
"Well where can I get it filled?"
"I'm afraid you will have to go to the hospital to get it filled.”
"Why? What's it for?"
"A chest X一ray.”
In response to the request for "kids growing up" stories, here's one told to me many years ago by some friends about their five一year一old daughter Laura. The mother calls it "The Kevin Incident.” The father just says, "Like mother, like daughter.”
It seems that Laura came home from Nursery School one day and announced that Kevin had pee一peed in the yard. Since Laura was one of the older children in the Nursery School group, her parents wanted to impress on her that she should try to help the younger children learn right from wrong, so they said, "Well,Laura honey, how big is Kevin?" Whereupon Laura held her two index fingers an inch or so apart and said, "Oh, about this big.”
Harry was in the hospital. He was an old man. Any way there was this young nurse. Every time she came in, she talked to him like a little child. She would say in a patronizing tone of voice" And how are we doing this morning?"
Well, this is a story of revenge. He had received breakfast, and pulled the juice off the tray, and put it on his stand. He had been given a urine bottle to fill. The juice was apple juice. You know where the juice went.
The nurse came in and picked up the urine bottle. She looks at it. "It seems we are a little cloudy today…”At this, he snatches the bottle out of her hand, and saying "Well,I’ll run it through again, and maybe I can filter it better this time.”
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