天鵝 The Swan
The Swan is said to sing but once in its life-when it knows that it is about to die.
A certain man, who had heard of the song of the Swan, one day saw one of these birds for sale in the market, and bought it and took produced the Swan, and bade it sing for their entertainment: but the Swan remained silent, In course of time, when it was growing old, it became aware xiaogushi8 of its approaching end and broke into a sweet, sad song.
一隻曾經聽過天鵝那優美歌聲的人,偶然在市場上看到幾隻天鵝正待出售,便買了一隻帶 。幾天後,他邀請幾個朋友來吃飯,並介紹了自己的天鵝,讓他唱歌來助興。可是,天鵝卻始終保持沉默。
When its owner heard it, he said angrily, “If the creature only sings when it is about to die, what a fool I was that day I wanted to hear its song! I ought to have wrung its neck instead of merely inviting it to sing.”
The Wolves sent a deputation to the Sheep with proposals for a lasting peace between them, on condition of their giving up the sheepdogs to instant death.
The foolish Sheep agreed to the terms; but an old Ram, whose years had brought him wisdom, interfered and said, “How can we expect to live at peace with you? Why, even with the dogs at hand to protect us, we are never secure from your murderous attacks.”
One winter’s day, during a severe storm, a Horse; an Ox, and a Dog came and begged for shelter in the house of a Man.
He readily admitted them, and, as they were cold and wet, he lit a fire for their comfort: and he put oats before the Horse, and hay before the Ox, while he fed the Dog with the remains of his own dinner, When the storm abated, and they were about to depart, they determined to show their gratitude in the following way, They divided the life of Man smong them, and each endowed one part of it with the qualities which were peculiarly his own. The Horse took youth, and hence young men are high-mettled and impatient of restraint; the Ox took middle age, and accordingly men in middle life are steady and hard-working; while the Dog took old age, and, like dogs, attached chiefly to those who look to their comfort, while they are disposed to snap at those who are unfamiliar or distasteful to them.
因為他們又溼又冷,人便生火群暖,讓他們舒服一些。不僅如此,人海把燕麥放到馬的面前,把乾草放到牛的面前,把自己吃剩的飯放在狗的面前。風暴減弱後,他們準備離開人的房子,決定以某種方式來表達自己的感激之情。他們將人的一生分成幾個階段,然後在每個階段分別賦予自己的某種特殊品質。馬取走了年輕階段,因此,年輕人奮發向上但不受約束。牛取走了中年階段,因此,中年人踏實穩定且埋頭苦幹; 而狗則接受了老年階段,這正是老年人經常脾氣暴躁的原因之一,他們也像狗那樣,主要依賴那些能給他們帶來溫暖和舒適的人,而厲聲呵斥那些陌生或令其不悅的人。
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