One day, a man of the State of Chu was crossing a river by boat. Due to carelessness, his sword which hung at his side fell into the water, not in the least worried, he slowly took out a small knife and cut a mark on the side of the boat.
Someone on the boat asked him.
“Why don’t you jump into the water at once to fish for your sword? What’s the use of making this mark on the side of the boat?”
He pointed to the mark on the side of the side of the boat, saying unhurriedly:“There is no need to worry. My sword fell into the river at this marked place. As soon as the boat reaches the dock and pulls in to shore, I will jump down from here to retrieve my sword.”
King Xuan was fond of shooting an arrow and liked to be boasted as a powerful bowman he was, although he could draw no bow heavier than thirty jin, When he showed is bow to his attendants, they pretended to try to draw it, but only bent it to half its full extent.
“This must weigh at least ninety jin!” They all cried. “None but your Majesty could use such a bow.” And at this the prince was pleased.
Though he only used a thirty-jin bow, till the end of his life he believed that it weighed ninety, It was thirty in fact, and ninety only in name, but for the sake of the empty name he sacrificed the truth.
Long long ago, there lived a famous beauty, named Xi Shi. Since she suffered from heartburn, she would often frown in front of all neighbours.
An ugly girl, named Dong Shi, lived in the same village. She noticed this and thought it very charming, and also put her hands to her breast and frowned in front of everyone. When the rich saw her, they rclosed their doors and would not come out. As of the poor, they ran away, taking their wives and children.
Poor thing! She could admire Xi Shi’s frown, but did not know why it was beautiful.
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