One day, an owl1 flew persistently2 towards the east till it was completely exhausted3, so it stopped in a forest to take a rest. It happened that a turtledove was also resting there. Hearing the panting of the owl, it asked: "Where are you going in such a hurry?"
The owl said: "I am moving to the east."
The turtledove asked closely: "Why?"
The owl said: "The people in the west all say my cry is unpleasant and dislike me I cannot stay there any longer. I must move to a new place."
The turtledove said: "Can you solve your problem by changing a place? In my opinion, no matter where you move to, it won't help."
The owl felt rather angry at the words of the turtledove, but it still asked in surprise: "Can you forecast the future?"
The turtledove said: "This is very simple. If you don't change your cry, the people in the east will dislike you all the same."
A self-important lion in the jungle tried to make his mastery clear to all.
He was so confident that he paid no attention to the smaller animals and went right up to a bear. He asked the bear, "Who is the king of the jungle?" The bear replied, "Of course you are."
Then the lion asked a tiger the same question. The tiger replied with some reluctance1, "Of course you are." And then he went to ask an elephant. But the elephant would not allow the lion to do so. He suddenly took hold of the lion with his long nose and bounced2 the lion against a tree, leaving him bleeding3 and badly shaken up.
When the lion finally got up, he blamed the elephant and said: "Even if you couldn't answer my question, it's not necessary for you to act so rough4."
它非常自信,對較小的動物不屑一顧,而是直接去問一隻黑熊:“誰是叢林裡的大王呀?” 黑熊回答說:“當然是你呀。”
Apelles meeting with the little ass1 invited him to tea that very right. The little ass was trembling with delight. He prances2 through the wood; he pesters3 all who pass: 'Apelles bores me so. He will not let me be, you know! Whenever him I see, he asks me in to tea. I'm sure he wants to paint a Pegasus from me.'
'Oh no!' Apelles said as he happened to be near, 'I am painting the judgment4 of King Midas. I'm acquainting with you because you seem to boast the proper length of ear. So if you'll come to tea, most happy I shall be. For long-eared asses5 are not rare, but with the ears that you can show, no little or big ass either ever could compare!'
Consumed with vanity, the fool admires himself for that which others ridicule6, and often makes a boast of that which ought to shame him most.
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