燕臺一去客心驚, 簫鼓喧喧漢將營。
萬里寒光生積雪, 三邊曙色動危旌。
沙場烽火侵胡月, 海畔雲山擁薊城。
少小雖非投筆吏, 論功還欲請長纓。
looking toward an inner gate of the great wall
zu yong
my heart sank when i headed north from yan country
to the camps of china echoing ith bugle and drum.
...in an endless cold light of massive snow,
tall flags on three borders rise up like a dawn.
war-torches invade the barbarian moonlight,
mountain-clouds like chairmen bear the great wall from the sea.
...though no youthful clerk meant to be a great general,
i throw aside my writing-brush --
like the student who tossed off cap for a lariat,
i challenge what may come.
蓬門未識綺羅香, 擬託良媒益自傷。
誰愛風流高格調, 共憐時世儉梳妝。
敢將十指誇針巧, 不把雙眉鬥畫長。
苦恨年年壓金線, 為他人作嫁衣裳。
a poor girl
qin taoyu
living under a thatch roof, never wearing fragrant silk,
she longs to arrange a marriage, but how could she dare?
who would know her simple face the loveliest of them all
when we choose for worldliness, not for worth?
her fingers embroider beyond compare,
but she cannot vie with painted brows;
and year after year she has sewn gold thread
on bridal robes for other girls.
十二樓中盡曉妝, 望仙樓上望君王。
鎖銜金獸連環冷, 水滴銅龍晝漏長。
雲髻罷梳還對鏡, 羅衣欲換更添香。
遙窺正殿簾開處, 袍褲宮人掃御床。
a palace poem
xue feng
in twelve chambers the ladies, decked for the day,
peer afar for their lord from their fairy-view lodge;
the golden toad guards the lock on the door-chain,
and the bronze-dragon water-clock drips through the morning
till one of them, tilting a mirror, combs her cloud of hair
and chooses new scent and a change of silk raiment;
for she sees, between screen-panels, deep in the palace,
eunuchs in court-dress preparing a bed.
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