


  A famous lawyer always lectured his office boy. He thought it was good for the boy although he didn't need it.

  One day it happened that the lawyer heard his office boy asked by the one employed next door, "How much does he pay you?" His office boy replied, "I get two thousand dollars a year. He pay some ten dollars a week in cash and the rest in his legal1 advice."




  A man took his son to have an aching tooth pulled by the dentist. When it had been drawn1, the man was asked to pay ten dollars for it.

  "Ten dollars!" he exclaimed surprised and said to the dentist, "I know you only charge two dollars for pulling a tooth. Why do you raise the price at will***隨意***?"

  The dentist said, "Yes, but your son cried out so loud that four other patients were frightened away."





  A man was getting very absent-minded. One evening he went to visit a friend and chatted with him for about two hours. When he was going to leave, his friend asked, "How is your family?" The absent-minded man suddenly exclaimed. "Good heavens! I forget my wife is having a fit***大發脾氣***."

  有個人老是心不在焉,記性越來越差了。有一天晚上他去看望一個朋友,和朋友閒聊了大約兩個小時。 當他準備離去時,朋友問他:“你家裡的人都好嗎?”這個心不在焉的人忽然驚叫道:“天啦,我忘了我妻子正在大發脾氣呢。”