《本草綱目》***The Compendium of Materia Medica***是明代***the Ming Dynasty***著名的醫學家李時珍所著。這部著作近乎200萬字,記載藥物***medical substance*** 1892種。除了中草藥***Chinese herhalmedicine***,該書也包含了動物和礦物質作為藥物的記載。《本草綱目》堪稱中醫史上最完整的醫書,對各種藥物的名稱、氣味、形態等都做了詳盡的介紹。它被翻譯成20多種語言並在全世界廣為流傳。即便現在,人們還常常將它用作醫學參考書。
The Compendium of Materia Medica is written by Li Shizhen, a famous medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty. With almost 2 million Chinese characters, the book lists 1,892 kinds of medical substances. Besides Chinese herbal medicines, it includes animals and minerals used as medical substances. The Compendium of Materia Medica is regarded as the most complete medical book in the history of traditional Chinese medicine. Detailed introductions of all the medical substances are given in the book, including name, smell, appearance, etc. It has been translated into more than 20 languages and spreads all over the world. Even now it is still often used as a reference book in medicine.
1.第1句中“著名的醫學家”和“李時珍”所指為同一個人,故將前者處理為後者的同位語,表達為Li Shizhen, a famous medical scientist。
2.第2句為並列的兩個漢語短句,合為一句翻譯的處理辦法是將其中一個句子“介詞化”,將前半句用介詞短語With almost 2 million Chinese characters來表達,符合英語中多用介詞短語的表達習慣。句首的“這部著作”***the book***移到第2個分句中作主語。
3.第3句中的“作為藥物的”可處理為“動物和礦物質”的後置定語,用過去分詞短語used as medical substances表被動。
4.第4句“《本草綱目》堪稱……最完整的醫書,對各種藥物……做了詳盡的介紹”可直譯為並列結構The book is regarded as... and introduces in detail...,但因句子成分太多而顯繁冗,故可對該句進行拆譯,處理成兩個獨立的句子。第2個分句“對各種藥物……做了詳盡的介紹”可增譯主語the book,也可轉換賓語“介紹”***introduction***為主語,用被動語態,整句譯作 Detailed introductions... are given..., including...。
5.最後一句可按漢語句式直譯為Even now people still often use it as a reference book in medicine, 但如將主語轉換成it,將句子轉換成被動語態,則能與全文的論述視角更為統一。
茅臺酒***Maotai liquor***獨產於貴州省茅臺鎮,擁有2000多年的歷史。茅臺鎮的氣候、土壤和水質成就了茅臺獨特的口感。清代***the Qing Dynasty***時期,茅臺成為第一個大規模生產、年產量達170噸的中國白酒。1951年茅臺獲得了一枚金牌,第一次贏得了國際聲譽。同年,在中華人民共和國成立後兩年,茅臺被指定為國酒。自此茅臺一直用於外國元首和貴賓來訪中國時官方場合的宴會。
Only made in the town of Maotai, Guizhou Province, Maotai liquor has a history of more than 2,000 years. The climate, soil, and water contribute to the unique taste of the drink. During the Qing Dynasty, Maotai became the first Chinese liquor to be produced in large-scale production with an annual output of 170 tons. It first won international fame when winning a gold medal in 1951. Maotai was also named a national liquor in 1951, two years after the founding of People's Republic of China. Since then, Maotai has been used on official occasions in banquets with foreign heads of state and distinguished guests visiting China.
1.第1句有兩個分句,漢譯英時通常將其中一句設為主句,另一句則處理成非主句形式。此處把“擁有2000多年的歷史”作為主幹,而把前半句處理成狀語,用過去分同短語來表達,譯作Only made in the town of Maotai, Guizhou Provice。
2.翻譯第3句時,先翻譯主要結構***Maotai became the first Chinese liquor***,而定語“大規摸生產,年產量達170噸的”較長,故將其處理成後置定語,“大規模生產”實為被動動作,譯為to be produced in large-scale production;“年產量達 170 噸”用介詞短語 with an annual output of 170 tons 來表達,表伴隨。
3.翻譯第4句“……茅臺獲得了……,第一次贏得了……”時,將後半句處理成主句,而前半句“1951年茅臺獲得了一枚金牌”處理成時間狀語,譯作when winning a gold medal in 1951。
4.按英語表達習慣,第5句中的時間狀語“同年,在……成立後兩年”置句末,把“在中華人民共和國成立後兩年”***two years after the founding of People’s Republic of China***處理成“同年”的同位語,因兩次出現 “年”為避免重複,“同年”譯為in 1951。
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