


  中國的保健食品***health food***市場首次出現於20世紀80年代。 保健食品是指具有特定保健功能或補充維生素或礦物質的食品。保 健食品適用於特定人群消費,具有調節人體功能的效果,但不用於 治療疾病的目的。保健食品有兩種。一種是具有特定保健功能的食品, 另外一種是營養補充劑。

  China’s health food market first emerged in the 1980s. Health food refers to food products which claim to have specific health functions or supplement one’s vitamins or minerals. Health food is suitable for the consumption by specific groups of people and has the effect of regulating human body functions, but is not used for the purpose of treating diseases. There are two kinds of health food. One is food with specific health func¬tions, the other is nutritional supplements.






  On this mostbeautiful moon-lit mid-autumn evening, I'm very glad to be invited to attendyour company's celebration evening party, and share a relaxing and memorableevening with you. We are so busily engaged in our work that we have virtuallylittle time sitting down and talking to each other. I hope this party will givean opportunity to talk to each other freely, and to increase / enhance personalfriendship. In this era of intensive competition, interpersonal relationsbecome increasingly intense. What appears to be lacking are the traditional humanwarmth and care. China's Mid-autumn Festival does not only provide an occasionfor getting together, but also implies opportunities for care, harmony anddedication. I wish to thank you again for your invitation to / giving me theopportunity to attend this mid-autumn evening party.




  在現代社會,交通工具巳經成為了社會健康持續發展的關鍵因 素。但令人遺憾的是,這些交通工具在為我們提供便利的同時,是要我們付出代價的。越是發展現代交通,我們所要付出的代價也越大。 如果人類社會按照這個模式發展下去的話,將來就會付出更高的成本,受到的打擊也越大。


  Transportation in all modem societies has become a critical necessity for the continued well being of the community. Unfortunately, the development of these transportation systems has come at a price,in relation to the convenience they provide. The further society goes down that same path, the more expensive, and damaging, it will become.