中國菜舉世聞名,而菜名更是詼諧有趣,妙趣橫生,充滿中國人的智慧。很多菜名用字典雅瑰麗,充滿吉祥喜慶之氣,諸如把豆苗***bean seedling***比作“龍鬚”,雞蛋美名“芙蓉***Confederate rose***”或“鳳凰”,雞爪稱“鳳爪”,豆腐***tofu***叫成“白玉”,等。不少菜名豪華氣派,美不可言,有種湯叫“珍珠瑪瑙***agate***翡翠湯”,只是豆腐、番茄加青菜。一些含有祝賀或象徵吉祥的菜名,如竹筍炒排骨是 “步步高昇”。有些菜名採用的是成語,蘿蔔絲上放根紅辣椒表示“踏雪尋梅”。
Chinese dishes are world-famous, and the dishnames are humorous, interesting and full of wits,fully embodying the wisdom of Chinese people. Manydishes are named with elegant and magnificentcharacters and are full of auspicious and festiveatmosphere. For example, the bean seedling is called “dragon beard”, egg is called“Confederate rose” or “phoenix”,chicken claw is called “phoenix talon”,tofu is called“whitejade” and so on.Many dish names are in luxurious style and their beauty is beyond words. Forexample,there is a soup called “soup of pearl, agate and jade”,but its ingredients are onlytofu, tomatoes and vegetables. Some dish names express congratulation or symbolizeauspiciousness, such as pork ribs fried with bamboo shoots is called “higher and higher' Somedish names are idioms,such as turnip strips with a red pepper is called “looking for plumflowers while treading on the snow”.
1.中國菜舉世聞名…智慧:首句中,“舉世聞名”可譯為world-famous,“詼諧有趣,妙趣橫生”可譯為humorous,interesting and full of wits,充滿中國人的智慧”可譯為embodying the wisdom of Chinesepeople,是非謂語形式作狀語。
2.充滿吉祥喜慶之氣:可譯為foil of auspicious andfestive atmosphere。
3.美不可言:按照英語表達習慣譯成their beauty is beyond words。beyond—姆 漢英翻譯中十分常見,比如“無法控制”表達為beyond control。
4.珍珠瑪瑙翡翠湯:可譯為soup of pearl,agate and jade。其中pearl意為“珍珠”,agate意為“瑪竭”,jade意為“玉,翡翠”。
5.踏雪尋梅:可譯為lookingfor plum flowers while treading on the snow。其 tread on表示“踩著,踏著”的意思。
同一種動物在東西方不同的文化背景下所表達的含義不盡相同。在西方人眼裡,蝙蝠就是一個邪惡、醜陋的吸血鬼***bloodsucker***。但是在我國南方,舊式住 宅的門上常常雕刻著蝙蝠,因為蝙蝠是好運、健康、財富、幸福的象徵。西方人認 為孔雀走起路來總是趾高氣揚,目中無人,頭冠***crown***頻頻擺動,還不時開屏炫耀其美麗,這是“驕傲”、“虛榮”的表現。而中國人認為孔雀開屏是喜慶吉祥的象徵,所以人們常用孔雀比喻美麗的人或事物。
The same animal in different culture backgroundsbetween the East and the West respectivelyexpresses different meanings. To the West, bats areevil, ugly bloodsucker; but in southern China, batsare often carved on the doors of the old houses,because they are symbols of fortune, health, wealth and happiness. Westerners generallybelieve that the peacock always walks around with her nose in the air, swinging its crownrepeatedly, and shows off its beautiful tail frequently.These are signs of pride and vanity. Incontrast,Chinese think it symbolizes joy and luck that the peacock spreads its tail. So peopleoften compare the peacock to beautiful persons or things.
1.東西方不同的文化背景:可譯為different culturebackgrounds between the East and the West。
2.上雕刻著:可譯為被動形式be carved on…
3.走起路來總是趾高氣揚,目中無人:可簡譯為alwayswalks around with her nose in the air。with one'snose in the air即有“目中無人地”意思。
4.孔雀開屏:可譯為 the peacock spreads its tail。
愛國精神***patriotism***是指熱愛祖國和願意為之犧牲,是我們評價一個人的品德和行為的必要標準。雖然,中國人的愛國精神在不同的歷史時期有著不同的具體內容和特點,但一直都和熱愛祖國、熱愛家鄉、熱愛人民聯絡在一起。愛國精神是一種偉大的凝聚力***cohesive force***。當國家被人侵或者出現分裂的局面時,人們總能在愛國精神的影響下,從國家和民族的大義出發,維護國家團結和統一。同時,愛國精神也是催人奮進的強大精神力量,鼓舞著人們為祖國和人民建功立業。
Patriotism,which refers to the love of one's countryand the willingness to sacrifice for it,is a necessarycriterion for us to evaluate one's virtue andconduct.Although Chinese people's patriotism hasdifferent contents and features in different historicalperiods,it's always associated with the love for the country,hometown,and people. Patriotism isa great cohesive force.When the country is invaded or split,people can always defend nationalunity and unification from the overall interests of the state and thejusticial cause of theChinese nation under the influence of patriotism. Meanwhile,patriotism is a strong andinspiring mental power that encourages people to render remarkable services and establisha distinguished career for the people and the country.
1.是指:即…refer to。而refer to…as…意為“把…稱作…”。
2.在不同的歷史時期:即in different historical periods。其中historical periods 意為“歷史時期”。
3.凝聚力:即cohesive force。cohesive意為“緊密結合的”。
4.在…的影響下:可譯為under the influence of...
5.和…聯絡在一起:可譯為be associated with...或beconnected with...