1. It takes sb sometime/money to do sth . 花費某人多長時間做某事***常考***
It takes me an hour to walk there and back.
2. pay …for… cost spend…on…..花費
it take …to do sth 花費
He paid for it out of his own pocket.
3. It's best for sb to do sth. 對某人來說做某事是最好的
It's best for you to do more exercise. had better do sth 最好做某事***注意had沒有時態和人稱的變化,better後接動詞原形***
You had better go to the school.
4.It's time for sb to do sth 是某人做某事的時候了
It's time for us to have dinner.
5.keep ***on***doing sth 堅持做某事***常考***
John always kept ***on*** asking questions.
A cat goes to a river every day. He wants to go fishing. But he can’t catch any fish.
One day, he goes to the river as usual. Suddenly a fish comes out. He catches the fish. He is very happy. He forgets to put the fish in the basket. He dances and sings. He shouts, “I have a fish! I have a fish!” All his friends come to see him.
“Where is your fish? Let us have a look at it. ” his friends say.
“It’s there, near the bank.” the cat answers. But he can’t find the fish. When he sings and dances, the fish jumps back into the river.
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