


  在中國,筆、墨、紙、硯***ink slab***,就是人們所說的“文房四寶”,在中華文明的傳承中起了重要作用。文房四寶不僅有實用價值,它們本身也是供人觀賞的藝術品,並逐步成為收藏品。文房四寶品類繁多,豐富多彩,選材製作不斷趨於完善、精美,歷代都有名品、名匠產生,成為一種深厚的文化積澱。在當今時代,使用筆、墨、紙、硯進行學習、寫作的人越來越少了,但是,在中國的書法、繪畫、收藏以及修身養性活動中,它們仍起著不可替代的作用。


  In China, “four treasures of the study” refers to“writing brush”, “ink stick”, “paper” and “ink slab”,playing an important role in passing on Chinesecivilization. They not only have their value of practicaluse, but also become the works of art forappreciation and collection. There is a largevariety of these four treasures. Selecting of materials and making process have becomeincreasingly delicate and perfect. Each dynasty of Chinese history saw famous craftsmenappear and works produced, which is a profound process of cultural accumulation.Incontemporary times, “four treasures of the study” have been increasingly rarely used forstudy or writhing, but they are still playing an irreplaceable role in the field of Chinesecalligraphy, painting, collection and in the activities of cultivating one's mind.





  At present,the development of Asia is facing newchallenges as well as opportunitis.As a whole,Asia isstill the region with the greatest economic vigor andpotential for development in the world.The furtherdevelopment of the economic globalization and therapid advancement of science and technology make itpossible for the various countries in Asia to use the international capitals and introduce newtechnologies and to explore the international market so as to promote the economic growthof their own countries.However,we can not be too optimistic over the security situation insome regions of Asia and the anti-terroism struggles need further developing.Having broughtthe opportunities for development,the economic globalization makes the international economyeven more uncertain,and it is more difficult to restructure the economies in their ownregions.And also it makes these countries more likely to be impacted by external risks.





  My computer is still not online,and I've thoughtabout getting connected to the Internet.But I'veheard there's a lot of pornography and nasty thingsspreading on the Internet,as well as somereactionary political stuff,which scares me alot.Recently some people suggested that the use ofInternet should be imposed on some restrictions.I couldn't agree more.Surely,how can we allowthe free flow of information?But if I understand a little more about the situation,then I shouldsay:“other than just cutting it all off clean,there's really no way to put limits on it.”That stuff isjust so fast,so amazing.With the information explosion,it's too difficult to censor itall—banning it would be easier.If I were in business,or doing scientific and technological work,itwould be difficult for me without internet.But why should I worry for businessmen andengineers?There is indeed a vast ocean of information flowing on the informationsuperhighway.But for someone like me who writes for a living,I can get along without it.So of the Internet completely so that I don't have to be bothered with it.