We’re going on a spring field trip.
Section A
I. 1. make a decision 2. spring field trip 3. find out 4. too…to…
5. plan to do sth. 6. the best way to travel
III. 1. field 2. airplane 3. raise 4. total 5. task
IV. 1. take, to get 2. the best time to 3. decide on 4. How much, cost
Section B
I. 1—6 CBA ABB
II. 1. cinema 2. hotel 3. standard 4. refrigerator 5. condition 6. discussing
III. 1. to travel 2. sleeper 3. feel 4. decision 5. to find
Section C
I. 1—4 BABB 5—8 CBBA
II. 1. came up with 2. to raise money 3. working out 4. looking forward to eating
5. heard from
III. 1. come up with 2. get to 3. cost me 4. What was 5. How exciting
Section D
I. 1—5 BABAA
II. 1. sleeper 2. safely 3. buying 4. decision 5. themselves
IV. 1—5 BCACB 6—10 ACCCB
V. 1—5 CBACC
VI. 略。
I feel better now.
Section A
I. 1—5 ABCAA
II. 1. better 2. telling 3. badly 4. excited 5. yourself
III. 1. Is there anything 2. Why is 3. don’t need 4. Don’t be 5. How does, feel
IV. 1. be strict with ourselves 2. talk with 3. fell down 4. Take it easy 5. do badly in
Section B
I. 1—5 CACBB
II. 1. speaking 2. friendly 3. feelings 4. talking 5. failed
III. 1. Who do, want, with 2. Why is 3. Is it 4. didn’t pass
IV. 1. at your age 2. tells jokes, me laugh 3. how to answer 4. difficulty talking
Section C
II. 1. stranger 2. suggestions 3. accepted 4. usual 5. soft
III. 1. helpful 2. studying 3. carefully 4. wishes 5. well
IV. IV. 1. How 2. couldn’t , as/so 3. more delicious than 4. braver than me 5. to speak V. 1. made faces 2. is/gets used to 3. With their help 4. as clean as ours
Section D
I. 1—5 ABCBA 6—10 ABCBA
II. 1. anybody 2. Though 3. understand 4. refused 5. unfair
IV. 1—5 BABBA 6—10 BAABB
V. 1—5 ABCBC
VI. 略。
Many things can affect our feelings.
Section A
I. 1. make sb. do sth. 2. feel like doing sth. 3. take some medicine 4. take turns to do sth.
5. learn by oneself 6. instead of 7. worry about 8. take it easy
III. 1. speech 2. monitor 3. nervous 4. bitter 5. hate
Section B
I. 1—4 BCAC 5—8 BBAA
II. 1. watching 2. healthy 3. lying 4. sadness 5. sleepy
III. 1. made, monitor 2. at the end of 3. get along well with 4. in a good mood
Section C
I. 1—5 CAACB
II. 1. noise 2. hangs 3. asleep 4. especially 5. thoughts
III. 1. cry 2. noisy 3. brightly 4. Wearing 5. thoughts
IV. 1. so, that ,can’t 2. don’t like 3. Does, make, it does 4. Where do 5. What can
6. don’t think, can
Section D
I. 1—5 ABCAB
II. 1. decision 2. husband 3. magazines 4. spirit 5. thoughts
III. 1. is 2. to turn 3. excited 4. wives 5. happiness
V. 1—5 CCCAB 6—10 BACBC
VII. 略。
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