A judge, a bishop, and a conductor were having a discussion. All three were rather vain men, and their talk soon turned to the question of which of them was the greatest.
“Well,” said the judge, “my position is one of dignity and power. When I walk into the courtroom, the bailiff says ‘All rise!’ and all the people stand to pay me honor.”
“That’s very nice,” said the bishop.“People stand in your honor; but when people xiaogushi8 have an audience with me they kneel, kiss my ring, and they address me as ‘Your Holiness. ‘”
The conductor snorted and said, “I think I got you both beat; when I step onto the podium, as guest conductor, the xiaogushi8 people look down, put their hands over their eyes, and say ‘Oh, my God!’”
A boastful American from Texas was being shown the sights of London by a taxi-driver.
“What’s that building there?” asked the Taxan.
“That’s the Tower of London, sir,” replied the taxi-diver.
“Say, we can put up buildings like that in two weeks,” drawled the Texan.
A little while later he said, “And what’s that building we’re passing now?”
“That’s Buckingham Palace, sir, where the xiaogushi8 Queen lives.”
“Is that so?” said the Texan. “Do you know back in Texas we could put up a palace like that in a week.”
A few minutes later they were passing Westminster Abbey. The American again asked, “Hey, cabby, what’s that building over there?”
“I’m afraid I don’t know, sir,” replied the taxi-driver. “It wasn’t there this morning!”
“先生,我也不知道,”司機說, “今天早晨還沒有呢!”
The dean of Engineering had once walked into a class, and said “Good Morning”.
The whole class chorused “Good Morning”.
“Hi, you are freshmen, aren’t you?” he asked.
One student bolder than the others asked him how he knew.
“Well,” he said. “When I say ‘Good Morning’ to a class, if they are freshmen they say‘Good Morning’ too. If they are sophomores, they quietly fold their papers away, and look at me. A class of juniors will look at me over the top of their papers, and then get back to them. A class of seniors xiaogushi8 will ignore my greeting, and keep reading the papers. When xiaogushi8 I say ‘Good Morning’ to a class of graduate students, they write it down.”
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