

  Has your life changed? 你的生活有變化嗎?

  Aiste: Hello. This is Aiste from Lithuania and Christophe from Belgium and now we're going to talk about a question that's called have you changed? Christophe, do you think you've changed in your life and if that is the case how?


  Christophe: I think I have changed from the way I look compared to how I looked ten years ago. When I was in high school, I had Brylcreem in my hair that was, and my hair was all like this and like very ugly and I also had glasses with really thick, thick glass. So I looked like a dork.


  Aiste: A dork? Well?


  Christophe: What about you?


  Aiste: Well, when I was small, I would have had very, very long hair and my mum used to dress me with kind of Sound of Music style dresses that were very girlish but I wasn't really getting into the fashion of that time, primary school, so that wasn't very....


  Christophe: That's poor Aiste.


  How do you keep fit? 你怎麼保持健康?

  Chris: Hello. I am Chris from Belgium.


  Aiste: And I'm Aiste from Lithuania. So Chris, I think you like extreme sports, don't you? Enough.


  Chris: Yeah, I'm training for the Guinness world record push ups. I want to break the Guinness world record of push ups.


  Aiste: What is the record now?


  Chris: One thousand, two hundred forty six.


  Aiste: No, no, come on. It's not nice at all. It's too extreme. It's not, it's, it will destroy you.


  Chris: No, no, it's very healthy because it's very good for your muscles and for your heart and for your lungs. It's very healthy. Extreme sports are actually, I love them. I think it's very healthy because people say it's not healthy, it's too much, but I don't believe that. It makes you stronger so I like it.


  Aiste: OK, try your best.


  Do you think computers can replace teachers? 你認為電腦能代替老師嗎?

  Goron: Hi, I'm Goron from Italy.


  Michael: I'm Michael from Norway.


  Goron: So, the question is do you think computers can replace teachers?


  Michael: That's a good question. No, and why I think that is because, you know, there's only that much you can make interactive without any discipline and I think teacher is the part there that really motivates the students to go further. A computer will never really motivates you, it will only tell you if you're doing good or bad while a teacher can really, you know, tell you about his or her experience, tell you what to do to become better and they will really give you a hint on how to improve yourself in a more humane way.


  Goron: I agree with you, definitely.
