AThe new webpage design is much more effective than before. I feel confident it will rope in a lot more business because of its user-friendly format.
BWhy do you think the new page is so much better than the old page? I thought the old page wasn't half bad....
AThe old page was okay, alright, but there wasn't a big influence in our sales volume, because the site wasn't developed with an eye towards the marketing aspect. Now it's different. We got our marketing department team in on the action, and the results are smashing....
BWhat changes were made from the old page to the new page?
AFirst, the visitors to the site are encouraged to give their contact information. They can sign up for a free monthly drawing. Once we've got their info, it goes into a database for future marketing mailers and advertising targeting. Also, there are clear links to descriptions of our products and services, so as to give confidence to new customers. We also added a specific area for on-line customer service.... So far we've gotten a ton of positive feedback....
ASo what did you think about the movie?
BWell, I think this Star Wars episode is an excellent piece of work, but not as good as the previous ones.
AReally? I don't agree. This Star Wars episode was incredible!
BWhy do you think so?
AWell, one of the most spectacular things about this one was the special effects. State of the art special effects are the main reason for the success of previous episodes, so audiences have high expectations for this one, and I don't think they will be disappointed.
BYou are right. The special effects were amazing. And I like the fact that they created so many fantastic settings and otherworldly costumes, weapons and creatures.
AIt's kind of cool that they are still using the same Star Wars theme song for this movie.
BYeah! It reminds me of the previous Star Wars scenes.
AI know exactly what you mean. Hearing that song gives me a nostalgic feeling.
BI thought the overall plot of the movie was very interesting, but I don't think the character development was that strong.
ADo you think that they had anything to do with the casting of the movie?
BNo, the casting is great and the actors were excellent. They just didn’t have a lot of funny or meaningful dialogues. The writing was also a little weak.
AWell, maybe. But I like the little kid who played Anakin Skywalker. I can't imagine anyone else playing that role.
嗯,或許吧。但是我喜歡演 Anakin Skywalker的那個小孩子。我想不出還有誰能演那個角色。
BI liked him too. He is so cute! You know, even though I was slightly disappointed, I can't wait for the next episode. I wonder when they’re going to start making it and when it’s scheduled for release?
AI've no idea. But looking at the success of Star Wars episode, I've a strong feeling production for the next episode will be selling pretty soon. I hope It will be even better than this one.
BI hope so, too.
AWell, I think we should go now. It's getting pretty late.
BOkay, let's go!
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