


  A: Tom was always such a boy scout when it came to helping people; he was always the first to help to the neighbors.

  B: Funny you say that. I always saw him as a bleeding heart, one that couldn’t resist helping all the sick animals or pets.

  A: Well, he was always a bit of a sucker for helping people or creatures.

  A: Tom一向是個助人為樂的人,街坊鄰居有人需要幫忙的時候,他總是第一個站出來。

  B: 你這種說法倒是很有意思。我一直認為他是個心腸過軟的人,是那種一看見生病的動物或寵物就不能不幫的人。

  A: 嗯,他是有點太愛幫助人或動物了。


  boy scout: 童子軍。這裡指的是堅持高的道德標準,體貼、慷慨、寬厚的人。

  bleeding heart: 心腸軟的人。

  resist doing sth.: 抵抗,忍住。

  be a sucker for: 因為愛某類人或物而願意不惜一切代價去取悅或擁有他它們。



  A: Your generous, openhanded giving has warmed the hearts of all the children who stay in this hospital. Thank you for giving us the money to build the new wing.

  B: I am glad I was able to give.

  A: 你慷慨大方的捐贈溫暖了醫院所有孩子的心,謝謝你捐錢給我們建這個側樓。

  B: 能為大家做些事兒,我很高興。


  A: How much did we take in during the auction last night?

  B: A princely sum. Way more than we expected!

  A: 昨晚的拍賣會上我們賺了多少?

  B: 一大筆。遠遠超出了我們的預期。


  generous: 慷慨的,大方的。

  openhanded: 大方的。

  wing: 正樓旁的側樓。

  auction: 拍賣會。

  princely: 特別大方的,慷慨地。

  way: 等於far,遠遠的超出。