


  A: I would love to find a boyfriend that is a real Robin Hood, that kind of guy appeals to me greatly.

  B: You must be looking for a softie then, as most men are not like that.

  A: Well, I certainly want someone that is all heart, and isn’t that selfish or self-interested.

  A: 我倒是真想找一個像羅賓漢一樣樂於助人的男朋友,我很喜歡那種男人。

  B: 那你找的一定是個軟弱的男人,因為大多數的男人都不是那樣的。

  A: 我當然要找個善良、不自私自利的人。


  Robin Hood: 綠林好漢羅賓漢,其人物性格為總是幫助有需要的窮人。說某人是Robin Hood,是指他/她慷慨善良,總是幫助周圍的人。

  appeal to: 有吸引力。

  softie: 柔弱的人,沒有強硬的立場觀點,容易被其他人控制。

  be all heart: 指某人善良、和善,總是幫助別人。



  A: Here, take this money and have fun on your trip to Europe.

  B: Wow! So much money! Mr. Johnson, your handsome gifts have made me feel very happy. Thank you for your generosity.

  A: 給你,拿這些錢去歐洲好好玩。

  B: 哇!這麼多錢。Johnson先生,您慷慨的贈予太讓我高興了。謝謝您這麼慷慨大方。


  A: How much money did you give that homeless man?

  B: I don’t know. To me, freehearted giving means that I give as much as I can and I don’t think about the consequences of myself.

  A: 你給了那個無家可歸的人多少錢?

  B: 我不知道。對於我來說,大方的施與就是能給多少就給多少,而且我從來不計後果。


  handsome: 大方的。

  generosity: 慷慨大方。

  freehearted: 坦白的,爽朗的。

  consequence: 結果,後果。