A: What date will our field trip be on?
B: The science field trip is next Monday at 8 o'clock in the morning. Do you want to make note of that on your calendar?
A: Yes, I will make note of that.
B: Next Monday is December 2nd. The buses will leave at 8, but we must begin loading at 7:30.
A: Be there half an hour early.
B: You might want to tell whoever is picking you up that you will return on December 8th. Do you have a ride?
A: Yes, someone is picking me up.
B: To get back to campus by 8:00 p.m., we will be leaving the campsite at 5:00 p.m. Do you have any more questions?
A: Not at the moment—maybe later, though.
B: All of the extra information that you need is on the bulletin board in the hallway. See you on Monday!
A: I am not sure how to add a class.
B: Do you have an add sheet for me to sign?
A: I'll bring one next time.
B: When you get the signed add slip, you must take it to the Admissions and Records Office or you will not be added. Can you find the office?
A: I think I know where it is.
B: Across the courtyard on the right is the office. Follow the signs to the correct line. Is that clear?
A: Thank you for your directions. It's clear.
B: You can't miss it. Add the class and then come back. We'll check later to make sure you are on the roll sheet.
A: That's great. Thank you so much.
B: Do the same thing with a drop slip if you ever need to drop a class. Good luck!
A: Professor, can you help me add your class?
B: You have to bring me an add sheet to sign. Do you have one?
A: No, I will have to get an add sheet.
B: You must take the signed add slip to the Admissions and Records Office to add the class. Do you know where that is?
A: No, I don't know where that is.
B: The office is in front of you as you cross the quad. The signs in the hallway will tell you where you need to be.
A: I think I can find it.
B: You'll find it easily. Make sure you add the class and then we will look at the roll sheet later to make sure that you were added on.
A: Thank you for letting me add your class.
B: To drop a class, you need to do the same thing with a drop slip. Good luck!
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