M: Good afternoon, Cherry.
C: Oh, Mary. How nice of you to come to see me! Please come in.
M: This is a box of Dove Chocolate.I know you love chocolate very much.
C: Oh, you're so sweet. Thank you. How was everything with you these few days?
M: I'm doing well, thank you.
C: Please sit down. I'II make some drink for you.
M: Thank you. You have a very cozy sitting room.
C : Would you prefer coffee or tea?
M: Tea, please.
C : Do you take it with milk?
M: No, a thin slice of lemon is OK.
C : Here you are. And help yourself to the dessert, please. These are apple-pies.
M: These pies are out of this world! Did you make it yourself?
C : Yes, I did. Please make yourself at home. Do you want some more tea or another pie?
M: No, thank you. I've had enough Let's go out to the garden.
Peter在飛機上遇到Wang Lin。Peter主動和Wang Lin交談,兩人一見如故。
以下W代表 Wang Lin, P代表Peter
P: Hi. I don't think we've met before. My name is Peter. I'm very delighted to meet you.
W: Nice to meet you, Peter. I'm Wang Lin.
P: So, where are you from? I think you are from China.
W: Well, originally I'm from China, but we moved to the United States when I was about five years old. I am going to Beijing to meet my grandparents. What about you?
P: I was born in France, and we lived in Paris until I was seven. Then, since my father worked for the military, we moved all over the place. And I go to Beijing to visit my friends.
W: Oh yeah? What are some of the places you've lived? Did you live in China?
P: Yes, we lived in China three years ago. I've heard Beijing has changed a lot.
W: Yeah, I can guide you to see the new Beijing.
P: Really?
J: Will you accept my arm?
M: I'd be delighted.
J: Don't I know you from somewhere? Are you....
M: Oh, the host Jim is my cousin.
J: It's my pleasure Lo be your lucky fellow. I'm Jack. Jim's colleague.
M: Please call me Mary.
J: Had you been in the same college with Jim? I'm also Jim's classmate.
M: No, I went abroad for my college education.
J: Sounds great! How do you feel about Beijing?
M: I love Beijing. The scenery here is so amazing!
J: Yeah, there are also many historical sites in Beijing. If you like, it's my pleasure to be your guide.
M: You are so kind. Thank you. Oh, pardon me, I've stepped on your toes.
J: That's all right, no harm done.
M: You're an expert.
J: No, I took up dancing quite recently. Well, the music has ended.
M: Thank you for the dance.
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