C: Hey, Frank, heard of Mei Lanfang?
F: Of course, he is the grand master of Peking Opera.
C: You know Peking Opera?
F: Peking Opera is the cream of the Chinese culture.
C: Yes, it has become a must-see item to entertain foreigners. Have you ever enjoyed it?
F: Yeah, but I don't like its shrieking singing.
C: Me. either.
F: But I think its costumes and facial masks are more attractive.
C: They are colorful and appealing.
F: Why there're so many colors?
C: In Peking Opera certain colors represent certain personalities and temperaments of the figures.
F: For example?
C: For example, the well-known warrior Guan Yu, his facial mask is painted red because red is a color that represents loyalty and courage.
F: What about black and white?
C: Black represents righteousness. while white treachery.
F: I didn't realize that Peking Opera's facial masks are so complicated.
M:Sue, what would you like to do tonight?
S:I'II stay at home and watch TV.
M:Come on. Don't be a couch potato. Let's play outside.
S:No, my favorite soap opera will be on in five minutes.
M:Soap opera? I bet you are watching a love story with pretty actresses and handsome actors.
S:How do you know?
M:I used to watch such TV series.
S: You're an expert. Let's watch it together. The story is so moving.
M: I don't watch TV series any longer.
S: But why?
M: There're so many advertisements on TV.
S: Yes, but it's worth waiting for the romantic love stories.
M: Sue, the stories are not real. They are just made to attract such young girls as you.
S: Nonsense.
M: You're so keen on soap operas.
C: It is the first time I come to the Bird's Nest. It's so impressive. I'd never seen a stadium as beautiful as this one.
B: Yes. the structure looks like a bird's nest with its interwoven twigs.
C: It'll be very enjoyable to watch an opera here.
B: Hum. And the lighting and acoustics here are high-class.
C: I can't wait to see it. Let's get in!
B: Now it's 7 o'clock. It's still an hour to start, Cherry.
C: Well, I wanna take some pictures first.
B: All right, you are the boss.
After the show
C: I'm so excited! The songs and dancing were superb.
B: I'm glad you enjoyed it. The acting was exactly performed and gave us the shock of audio visual effects. That's the charm of opera.
C: It's really worth seeing.
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