Todd: OK. Matt, we're back. We're gonna talk about music. What is your favorite kind of music?
Matt: My favorite kind of music is alternative music. But generally I like all types of music, apart from country music.
Todd: I'm the same way. I hate country, except for Johny Cash.
Matt: Yeah, yeah. The older country is good. But the newer, I don't like the newer stuff.
Todd: Yeah, how expensive are CD's in your country?
Matt: Well, a brand new CD is probably between about 15 and 20 dollars, yeah, but you can find used CD's from anything to a dollar to, you know, 20 dollars, I guess, depending, depending on the CD. So you can find cheap CD's.
Todd: Wow, that's pretty cheap. Do you play a musical instrument?
Matt: No, I don't, although when I was a kid I played the piano and a little bit of the quitar, but I've long since forgotten all of that.
Todd: Usually, you pick up the guitar and you don't stop playing it.
Matt: There was no talent.
Todd: Do you go to concerts?
Matt: I go, I really enjoy going to concerts, but I like to go to small venues. Small shows. I don't like those big stadium shows where you need binoculars just to see the stage.
Todd: Yeah, I agree. And the last question, most importantly, do you sing in the shower?
Matt: Of course I do, yeah! Every chance I get.
Todd: Wow, what kind of songs do you sing?
Matt: Oh, wow! I guess anything that's in my head, the last thing I heard I guess.
Todd: Can you sing something right now?
Matt: I don't think so. This isn't a shower.
Todd: Yeah, yeah. warning to the listeners, this is not a shower.
A: Do you have any taste for pop music?
B:I don't think so,but I like classical music.
A: What? Nowadays few young people have a delicate ear for classical music.
B: That's true. And that's my difference.
A: You always want to be different. How about rock and roll?
B:I cannot bear rock music. It's too loud.
A:But it's so exciting and thrilling. And classical music sounds out of fashion.
B:I do not want to jump on the bandwagon.
A:Have you heard that new song by the Beastie Boys?
B:Why do you listen to rap?
A:It's not much different from that heavy metal music you like so much.
B:Heavy metal music is a lot different from rap music.You can dance to heavy metal.
A:Hey,you can dance to rap music!
B:I can't dance to it. And I know you can't either. Because I've seen you try.
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