A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.成功的人是能夠拿別人扔過來的磚頭為自己壘砌堅強地基的人。以下是小編為大家整理的,歡迎閱讀!
A:Do you think money equals to success?你覺得金錢意味著成功嗎?
B:I don't think it's that relevant. I reckon if someone feels passionate about his or her career and is persistent with his or her career goals.then he or she can get a promotion or win a prize. Money would just follow. However, real joy doesn't necessarily need money, especially if one gets a sense of reward or pride from what he or she does. Money can help you buy tangible things.but it cannot really make you happy.
A:What's your understanding of real success?以你的理解,真正的成功是什麼?
B:I think different things can mean success. Firstly. the individual should be enthusiastic about his or her career. He or she should feel a sense of reword as well as receive others'
recognition from what he or she does. Secondly. success can mean raising a lovely and happy family. Lastly.to find friends that share similar goals and interests is also considered success.
A:What is Success?什麼是成功
B:What is the definition of success? I believe different people will have different opinions about it. If anyone asks me what is success for me, I will tell him progress is success for me. I can have small goal or great aim in my whole life. If the goal what I set is too large for me, I will not taste the feeling of success. Or I always set small goals, so I will feel success all the time, which may make me become autophilia and without ambitions. Therefore, I think if I can be better than yesterday or last time, then I am successful.
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