Tsinghua University has overtaken Peking University for the first time to be named the best higher education institution on the Chinese mainland in the latest Times Higher Education THE report.
The THE's World University Rankings 2019 listing, published last Wednesday, puts Tsinghua University in 22nd place globally, followed by Peking University at 31st.
Tsinghua University finished ahead of the National University of Singapore, which was 23rd globally, to be named the best university in Asia.
It was the first time that a Chinese university has held the title under the current methodology introduced in 2011.
The Chinese mainland was the region with the fourth-largest population of universities listed. Seventy-two made the list this year, up from 63 last year.
Hong Kong and Taiwan have six and 32 institutions, respectively, in this year's listing.
Oxford University finished in first place for the third consecutive year. Cambridge University was in second place while Stanford University finished third.
Grade-school girls have consistently outperformedboys in reading skills over the past 27 years, a newstudy has found.
Girls in the United States have scored higher onstandardized tests for reading and writing in thefourth grade -- and have increased the gap in eighthand 12th grades, according to a review byresearchers at Griffith University in Australia.
"The common thinking is that boys and girls in grade school start with the same cognitiveability, but this research suggests otherwise," lead author David Reilly said.
"Our research found that girls generally exhibit better reading and writing ability than boys asearly as the fourth grade."
The research team said the difference can be due to factors such as boys being more likely tohave a learning disability.
Other research has shown that girls use both brain hemispheres for reading and writing, whileboys typically rely on just one.
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