Some 88% of Chinese elementary and secondaryschools have an internet connection, according to theMinistry of Education.
There are 12 computers for every 100 elementaryand secondary school students.
The number of real-name online learning spacesexceeds 63000, said the ministry.
According to the third plenary session of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committeeheld in 2013, more students must enjoy quality education resources via the internet, narrowing the gap between different schools in different areas.
More than 9.4 million teachers of elementary and secondary schools have received training forinformation technology capabilities, said the ministry.
Around 99% of the stuff taught to kids over 13 willnot be applied in their lives.
Schools teach theory which is perfect for those thatgo into academia, but useless for the 99% thatdon’t.
But unless you learn the theory you will not get aplace at university.
And if you don’t go to university, you won’t get a good job.
Obey the system and the system will reward you…
It is my unpopular opinion that most schools are useless.
Yesterday, I was doing the Computer Science Pre-Arrival Course of the University of Cambridge. I was reading binary numbers e.g. 1101001. How do they transform to 16-base, 8-base or 10-base numbers. What are they? The part was several paragraphs long. No more than 30 lines. That was the time, I realized I wasted 12 years at school…Not only my school never toldme what the “1”s and “0”s are but also we weren’t even told what are those transformations.
For 3 months, I was doing transformations like a robot. But all I needed to hear was what theywere and I probably would have figured out how to do the transformations myself! Most schoolsdo not educate. They train students.
Many people would refute my argument by saying that, if one doesn’t go to school, he or shewill have the same brain as a 4-year old kid in a kindergarten.
I disagree.
That would only be the case if you didn’t go to school and spent all your time doing nothing. What if you self-educated yourself? What if your parents taught you the school-stuff in a muchmore fundamental manner?
The only downside might be that the kid would not have as much social interaction as his/hercompatriots but that can be resolved by attending extracurricular activities or meeting peopleoutside. Even if that doesn’t work out as well as attending school for social reasons, that is asacrifice I am willing to take, especially if the student is in high-school.
Schools should not imprint information in student.
They should teach how to learn.
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