dear sir or madam,
it is a pleasure to know of your continued interest in our products. the samples you have requested are now available and will be sent free of charge. we have sent the package via fedex,with airway bill number 8180-8713-0983.
we hope you find these samples your killing.we would like to reiterate that we accept customization of products to suit your requirements.
plesse do not hesitate to contact us for any further clarification.we look forward to doing business with you.
with best withes,
dear sir or madam,
it is a pleasure to know of your continued interest in our products.the samples you have requested are now available.samples are free of charge,but according to our company’ policy,the costomer must pay the shipping cost.
samples will be sent immediately as soon as the standard us$70 shipping payment is transferred to our account no. 009-334833299-2432 at hong kong &shanghai banking corporationhsbc or when you provide us with your dhl , ups or fedex account number.
sorry for the onconvenience, i hope this little formslity will not stand in the way of our future relationship.
we hope you can understand our position and look forward to our future cooperation.
with best ragards,
dear sir or madam:
thank you for your inquiry dated 25 march. we are always pleased to hear from a valued company.
i regret to say that we cannot agree to your request for technical information regarding our products. the fact is that moat of our competitors also keep such information private and confidential.
i sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way. if there is any other way in which we can help you, do not hesitate to contact us again.
truly yours,
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