majority recommend pointless medium overweight location
humid confirm foggy shower overcast thunderstorm economy class waste away good for nothing well-done round-trip ticket weather forecast rain cats and dogs be supposed to
第二題:聽寫10個句子每句2分,共計20分 5個英譯漢
1. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest bank?
2. It’ll only take about five minutes to walk.
3. It’s not very serious, but you should take two weeks off.
4. I’ve had a pain in my stomach since morning.
5. I took the wrong bus! Please let me off here. 5個漢譯英 1、我給你開點藥。
5、----請問到金山賓館怎麼走?----左轉。 第三題:聽task 2 的對話,填5個空每句2分,共計10分 Peter: my birthday party?
Tom: Oh, Yes. Thank you very much. Peter: It’s next Sunday, the 8th. Tom: Oh, well, one minute, please. Let me look in my diary. I am not sure if I could. match on Saturday afternoon. Oh, what a pity! Peter: in the evening? Tom: Oh, yes, ’ll be there! 第四題:聽2個單元task 3的10段小對話,填空每句2分,共計20分
Conversation 1
W: Sometimes I feel that I am good for nothing.
M: If you waste all your time playing computer games, you’ll never get anywhere in life.
Q: What is the woman’s problem?
Conversation 2
W: Do you have any hobbies?
M: Yes, I like bowling.
Q: What is the man’s hobby?
Conversation 3
W: I am crazy about birds. You know I have raised several birds to watch.
M: I have little interest in bird watching, but it sure beats working.
Q: Does the man love bird watching?
Conversation 4
W: One of my colleagues gave me a ticket for the concert tomorrow evening. But you know I am not interested in classical music.
M: Really? Give it to me then, classical music is my favorite.
Q: What will the man probably do tomorrow evening?
Conversation 5
W: My husband and I quarreled last night.
M: What’s up?
W: Well, he loves collecting porcelain. I am not against his hobby, but he spends too much money on it.
Q: Why did the woman quarrel with her husband?
Conversation 6
W: Good morning. Hongxia Restaurant. May I help you?
M: I want to book a table for seven, please.
Q: How many people are going to come for dinner?
Conversation 7
W: Would you like another beer? M: I’ve had enough, thank you.
Q: What does the man mean?
Conversation 8
W: How about a steak?
M: That sounds fine.
Q: What does the woman recommend?
Conversation 9
W: May I take your order, sir?
M: Yes, I’ll have the beef and vegetable dish.
Q: What is the woman?
Conversation 10
W: Waiter, could I have the check, please?
M: Certainly.
Q: What does the woman want to do?
A: 第五題:口語對話。Unit 1—unit 10中task 5中的1組conversation, 2
第一題 試題答案
majority recommend pointless medium overweight location
humid confirm foggy shower overcast thunderstorm economy class waste away good for nothing well-done round-trip ticket weather forecast rain cats and dogs be supposed to 第二題:
1. I’ll prescribe some medicine for you.
2. Could you please tell me where I should get off?
3. Excuse me, how many stops are there to the railway station? 4. How are you feeling today? I’m feeling much better.
5. Excuse me, how do I get to Jinshan Hotel? Turn left. 第三題:聽錄音,填空 第四題: 2. 第五題:口語展示。
一 words.
assistant greeting retire contact major delicious bother direction effective Appointment confirm detector spiritual specialties sausage medium Cereal pointless good for nothing
二、 sentence
1. what are your specialties?
2. he spends too much money on his hobbies.
3. what time am I supposed to check in ?
4. what will the weather be like tomorrow?
5. could you tell me where I should get off?
6. 不是很嚴重,但您得休息兩週。
7. 附近有什麼標誌?
8. 如果五月份你能來參觀我們工廠,我們將深感榮幸。
9. 我想讓你認識我的朋友。
10. 我很高興見到你。
三. dialogue:
Visitor: __________________________ the bank please?
Policeman: which bank ?
Visitor: I have an AIB pass card and I want to withdraw money from the bank. Policeman : yes , I see. You need to get to the allied Irish bank.
Visitor: ____________________? I have no knowledge of this area. Policeman: ___________________ until you reach the traffic lights. You will see a shopping centre on the right hand side.
Allied Irish Bank is just on the opposite side of the street. Visitor: __________________________?
Policeman : it’s about a five- minute walk from here .
Visitor: Thanks a lot
四、 conversations:
1. Q: How does the woman get to WAL-Mart?
A: ______________________________
2. Q: Where does the woman want to go ?
A: ______________________________
3. Q: How long will it take the woman to walk to the church?
A: ______________________________
4. Q: Why can’t the man help the woman?
A: ______________________________
5. Q: Which street is the woman on ?
A: ______________________________
6. Q: Why was the man sleepless last night?
A: ______________________________
7. Q: Where does this conversation take place?
A: ______________________________
8. Q: What should the woman do to recover from her illness?
A: ______________________________
9. Q: What is the doctor ‘s advice?
A: ______________________________
10. Q: What’s wrong with the man ?
A: ______________________________
一、 assistant greeting retire contact major delicious bother direction effective Appointment confirm detector spiritual specialties sausage medium Cereal pointless good for nothing
二、1. 你們的特色菜是什麼?
2. 他在愛好方面的開銷太大。
3. 我該什麼時候去辦理登機手續?
4. 明天天氣怎麼樣?
5. 你能告訴我什麼時候該下車嗎?
6. it ‘s not very serious , but you should take two weeks off.
7. are there any landmarks nearby?
8. I would be very pleased if you could come to visit our plant in May.
9. I ‘d like you to meet my friends.
10. I am pleased to meet you .
三、 can you tell me how to get to
How do I get there
Walk along the footpath
How far is it from here
四、1. make a right turn and walk two blocks
2. post office
3. 5minutes
4. because he is a stranger and doesn’t know the way.
5. Zhong Shan road
6. because he had a headache last night .
7. it takes place in a hospital.
8. take the medicine.
9. to have an injection because it is more effective.
10. he’s got a fever.
一. 單詞與短語
Wonderful assistant propose complain marvelous arrange footpath parking lot injection book up tramcar destination shower rain cats and dogs
Confirm overweight pointless give away rare check
二. 句子
1. How are you doing?
2. Let me introduce myself.
3. That would give me great pleasure.
4. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest bank?
5. How are you feeling today?
6. 什麼時候到終點?
7. 天氣預報說今天下午有傾盆大雨。
8. 我想預定7月5號飛往倫敦的機票。
9. 你有什麼愛好?
10. 請把選單給我!
三. 填空
Peter: _ my birthday party?
Tom: oh yes. Thank you very much. _!
Peter: it’s next Saturday, the 8th.
Tom: oh well, one minute, please. Let me look in my diary. I am not sure if I could. _match on Saturday afternoon. Oh, what a pity.
Peter: _ in the evening?
Tom: oh yes, _. I will be there!
四. 回答對話後的問題
1. where does the conversation take place?
2. who studies the hardest?
3. what does the woman mean?
4. where does the woman want to go?
5. where does this conversation take place?
6. which bus is going to lingyin temple?
7. what is the weather like today?
8. how much is the flight ticket?
9. what is the man’s hobby?
10. what does the man mean?
五. 口語
6..when will we get to the terminal?
7. the weather forecast says it will rain cats and dogs this afternoon.
8.i would like to make a reservation to London, july 5.
9. what are your interests?
10. please show me the menu.
1.would you like to attend
2. that sounds good.
3. I have to play in a tennis
4. how about later
5.the evening is much better
1.in a bank
3. she won’t go dancing because she is busy.
4. post office
5. it takes place in a hospital.
6. No.7 bus
7. it is freezing.
8. it is 89.50 dollars with tax.
10. he won’t have another beer.
一. 單詞和短語
Colleague retirement major propose tennis delicious withdraw bother Flu sneeze route transfer humid foggy fare fee bet raise steak check
二. 句子
1. I have come to say goodbye!
2. I am pleased to meet you!
3. sorry ,I can’t. but thanks anyway!
4. how far is it from here?
5. I am feeling much better.
6. 我坐錯車了!請讓我在這裡下車!
7. 今天涼風習習,天氣宜人!
8. 是頭等艙還是經濟艙?
9. 我的愛好是集郵。
10. 我一口都吃不下去了。
三. 填空
A: wow, you look like _! Didn’t you know that _ today?
B: I knew there would be a _, but I didn’t realize _today.
A: well, you’d better take a hot shower right now, or you’ll catch a cold. B: I know. I don’t want to _, especially during finals week.
四. 回答對話後的問題
1. where has the man been?
2. how is the university?
3. what does the man mean?
4. why can’t the man help the woman?
5. what is the doctor’s advice?
6. where does the woman want to go?
7. what is the weather like today?
8. when did flight 102 get in?
9. does the man love bird watching?
10. what is the woman?
五. 口語
6. I took the wrong bus! Please let me off here!
7. it is breezy and pleasant today.
8. will that be first class or economy class?
9. my hobby is collecting stamps.
10. I couldn’t eat another bite.
1. a drowned rat
2. there’ll be a thunderstorm
3. shower
4. it would rain cats and dogs
5. get sick
1. he has been abroad.
2. it is not as good as it was.
3.he would if he didn’t have a meeting.
4. because he is a stranger and doesn’t know the way.
5.to have an injection because it is more effective.
6. to the bank of England.
7.it is overcast and foggy.
8. at six-twenty.
9. no, he doesn’t.
10. a waitress.
1-5 極好的 助理 退休 聯絡 大一新生
6-10 主修 網球 記事本 取回 人行道
11-15 頭痛 有效的 落湯雞 費用 往返票
16-20 經濟艙 消遣 放棄 飼養 無意義的
22. 天氣怎麼說的?
26. What time am I supposed to check in?
27. The weatherman predicts showers tomorrow.
28. When will we get to terminal?
29. How are you feeling today?
30. Thank you for your invitation, but I am sorry I have an engagement.
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