It's a scenic walk on an elegant slope from the main gate of Central China Normal Universityto the school of Chinese literature. But Cheng Jiamin, 20, a junior, finds it so exhausting thatshe has to think twice before visiting the shops near the gate.
A recent report says college students' physical fitness is lamentable. Experts warn a growingtrend of staying in dorms, unhealthy diets and lack of exercise.
The Chinese Health Education Center recently issued a report showing that more than 50 percent of college students lack enough exercise and 13 percent of them are obese.
"We have so many other options to keep ourselves busy, plus it's really cold to work outoutdoors," said Cheng.
Ma Guansheng is director of the Institute for Nutrition and Food Safety under the ChineseCenter for Disease Control and Prevention.
Ma reckons that students' physical condition is degenerating, with regard to stamina, agilityand power.
"Females students in particular are out of condition and underweight. More than 35 percent ofwomen on campus are unhealthily slim," Ma told Xinhua News Agency last week.
"Dieting is harming their health and tends to impact their future well-being."
However, Cheng still feels guilty after eating a full meal and tries to avoid being too active sothat "I don't look sweaty and messy".
Not only female students shun sports. Some young men are reluctant to go to the playingfields.
Zhang Yichang, 21, a junior at Guangzhou University, stays in his dorm almost all day. Skippingmeals and staying up late is his regular lifestyle.
But he is not bored: video games, online chatting, micro blogging and updating socialnetworking sites takes up most of his time.
Zhang researches and writes up assignments using his laptop.
"I am not a geek," he said.
"Many students in my dorm building are like me, some even have their meals delivered to theirdoors," said Zhang.
Lack of exercise is likely to cause obesity and overweight which then lead to various chronicdiseases, according to Kong Lingzhi, deputy director of the disease prevention and controlbureau of the Ministry of Health.
She says that there are over 300 million Chinese suffering from chronic disease and morestudents are likely to join them if they choose to lead an inactive campus life.
"Students' inactivity will become a problem when those young people enter the workforce inthe near future," said Kong.
A recent audit at Dickinson State University in the United States will have madeuncomfortable reading for parents in China.
Over the last four years, the college in North Dakota had issued diplomas to 400 foreignstudents despite their failure to complete the required coursework.
Roughly 95 percent of these students were Chinese.
It was just one of several controls "waived or intentionally overridden or ignored" by DSU, which has again cast a spotlight on the risks families face in paying out huge sums to havetheir children educated overseas.
Such investments often create what sociologists call "the new urban poor".
"Parents are surrendering their last resources to wager them on a child's future by sendingthem abroad," said Lao Kaisheng, an education policy researcher at Capital Normal University. "If these children don't get the decent jobs and the salary that is expected, their parents willnaturally be sucked into poverty."
The desire to send offspring to schools overseas has existed for decades, although today it islargely fueled by the belief that it gives youngsters an advantage in the tough domesticemployment market.
However, not many Chinese families have enough saved in the bank to cover the tuition feesand accommodation and living expenses. Instead, many are choosing to take on massivedebt at a critical time in their own life.
It is a gamble, experts say, and the stakes are high.
"People need to think over the input and potential output, as well as the risks that anyinvestment brings," said Zhang Jianbai, who runs a private school in Yunnan province.
He said that parents in small cities across his southwestern province, many of whom earn just 2,000 yuan a month, often sell their apartments to fund their children's study overseas.
"Those who are now suffering trouble or financial difficulties would not have been in this positionhad they chosen a more suitable way to educate their children," he added.
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