關於茶杯的英語美文:Empty Your Cup
A university professor went to visit a famous Zen master. While the master quietly served tea, the professor talked about Zen. The master poured the visitor's cup to the brim, and then kept pouring.
The professor watched the overflowing cup until he could no longer restrain himself. "It's overfull! No more will go in!" the professor blurted. "You are like this cup," the master replied, "How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup."
一個學者去拜訪一個著名的禪師。當禪師安靜地準備茶水時,學者滔滔不絕地談著禪。禪師給客人的杯子倒滿了水,並沒有停下,仍然繼續往杯子裡倒水。 看著茶水溢位杯子,學者終於忍不住了,“滿了,滿了,不要再倒了”他大聲叫嚷 。 “你就像這個杯子” 禪師回答,“如果你不倒空你的杯子我如何才能告訴你禪是什麼呢?”
Teacups are kids who are extremely fragile and nuanced to their own discomforts or problems. They have an extremely difficult time handling criticism or rejection and tend to fear anything that they might not succeed in. When they get to difficulties in jobs or in life, they tend to breakdown.
For example:
Toughen up, teacup. No matter how brilliant you think you may be, the day will come when you will be told in no uncertain terms that you are laughably wrong. Will you cry?
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