A: Hi, could you help me find a place where I could buy some lunch?
B: Sure! What kind of food would you like?
A: I was thinking of pizza or something else Italian, maybe.
B: I know the perfect place!
A: Good! Where is it?
B: It's right past that last building on the left. Do you want me to go with you?
A: That would be great.
B: Glad you asked me to join you. This will be fun!
A: When are we leaving for our field trip?
B: Our science field trip is next Monday at 8:00 in the morning. Can you mark that on your calendar?
A: Yes, I will write that down.
B: That will be Monday, December 2nd. We need to start loading the buses half an hour early, so plan to arrive at 7:30.
A: Yes, I will be there on time.
B: We will return 6 days later on December 8th. Will someone be picking you up?
A: Yes, someone is coming to get me.
B: The return bus will leave the campground at 5:00 p.m. and return to campus 3 hours later at 8:00 p.m.
A: What should we bring with us?
B: I am going to post all of that information on the geology club web page. Check it out when you get a chance. See you Monday!
A: I am unsure how to add a class and need help.
B: I have an opening. Do you have an add sheet for me to sign?
A: Yes, I have an add sheet.
B: After I sign it, you must take it to the Admissions and Records Office to add the class. Do you know where that is?
A: No, I'm not sure.
B: When you cross the quad, the office is right in front of you. Go inside and follow the signs to the correct line.
A: Thanks. I understand what to do now.
B: It should be easy to find. After you add the class, check with me in a few weeks to make sure that you are on my roll sheet.
A: That sounds good.
B: Good, just make sure that you do the same thing if you ever need to drop a class. Good luck!
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