


  A: Excuse me, Professor, I have a problem and need to leave class early.

  B: Why do you have to leave early?

  A: I am not feeling well.

  B: Could you make it up by attending my other section this week?

  A: Yes, it's all taken care of.

  B: Are you leaving right away or can you stay for a few more minutes?

  A: I can stay a few more minutes.

  B: OK, but please make sure that you get all of your make-up work completed.

  A: Thanks, Professor. I've got it covered!

  B: Go do what you have to do, but make sure it doesn't happen again.


  A: Professor, I will not be here for our next class meeting.

  B: Is this absolutely necessary?

  A: I tried to work something out, but I really do have to miss one class.

  B: Will you be able to make up the work you missed?

  A: I'm going to be doing a lot of extra reading.

  B: Remember that I will only let you miss one class meeting per semester.

  A: Yes, I remember.

  B: Could you e-mail me this week as a reminder?

  A: Sure, no problem.

  B: Make good use of that day off; you'll only have one this semester!


  A: Could you talk to me for a few minutes about my grades?

  B: Step into my office for a moment. What is your concern?

  A: Am I failing?

  B: Let's go on the computer to see what's up. Do you think you are doing well?

  A: I am pretty sure that I am in trouble.

  B: I can see that you are trying, but where do you think you could improve?

  A: I missed a few classes; I need to make sure I come to school on a regular basis.

  B: Having a regular study routine and following it is very important, right?

  A: I'll try; it's hard!

  B: Thanks for stopping by!