Todd: Hey, Marika! What is your home town?
Marika: My hometown is Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Todd: OK, and how many people live there?
Marika: About 4 million people.
Todd: Oh really?
Marika: Mm-hm. It's the biggest city in Canada.
Todd: Really. What is the best thing about it?
Marika: The best thing about Toronto is that it's a very multi-cultural city, and there is a reallybig mix of different people and there is lots of different things going on and lots of differentcultural events and different restaurants and it's really interesting to meet all the differentpeople.
Todd: What is the worst thing about it?
Marika: The worst thing about it is that I grew up there so I don't think it's as exciting as itprobably is.
Todd: Oh, really.
Marika: Like sometimes I just get bored there because I'm used to it. Is that a bad thing?
Todd: No.
Marika: That's weird. Let me say that again. What's the worst thing about it, OK, can I say theworst thing about it?
Todd: Yeah.
Marika: One more time?
Todd: Sure.
Marika: The worst thing about Toronto is that it's expanding and a lot of the farmland that isoutside of Toronto is now being developed into condominiums and suburbs and it's really goodfarmland but now it's just being turned into suburbs which is really bad I think.
Todd: OK, Keith, I was surprised to hear that you actually lived in Finland.
Keith: Yeah, I lived in a small farm town there. There's a little place called Kalhaba. About 8,000 people live there. Yeah, it was a nice time. I was teaching kindergarten to little Finnish children and sometimes I was teaching adults too. Once a week.
Todd: OK. What was the best thing about Finland?
Keith: Wow. I'd say the summers were the best thing because summer's there, well, there's no night really, depending on where you are in the country. 24 hours of daylight if you were in lapland. It was outstanding.
Howard: Hi, Todd.
Todd: Hey, how's it going, Howard? So I heard that you're really into motorcycles.
Howard: Ah, yes, I love motorcyles. I've been riding motorcycles since I was 15 years old.
Todd: Oh, really. Wow! So, what's the allure of motorcycles?
Howard: Freedom. I like the fresh air. I like being out on my own. And I just like the feeling of riding on a bike. It's like a bicycle without having to pedal and you go a lot faster.
Todd: Yeah, that's for sure. Do you have any good motorcylcle stories?
Howard: About 10,000 of them.
Todd: Well, have you ever like taken a special trip on a motorcycle?
Howard: I've been all over the East coast of the United States, from Pennsylvania to Florida on a motorcycle.
Todd: Oh, wow.
Howard: Yeah, I've travelled many times and many different kinds of roads, and taken all kinds of camping trips on bikes.
Todd: Wow, sounds great. So do you usually travel alone or in a group?
Howard: Almost always I go alone. Some guys like to travel together but I found I enjoyed it by myself most of all.
Todd: Oh really. Oh, wow. Don't you get kind of lonely?
Howard: Never, there's always a new adventure on every trip.
Todd: Have you ever made any special friends out on the road?
Howard: Sure, bikers are like a special kind of fraternity. Every biker knows each other, and we're all very close even though we're not close.
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