A: Can you help me buy my textbooks?
B: There will probably be a book list in the bookstore. Do you have your class schedule handy?
A: No, I don't have that.
B: To get started, take that list over to the bookstore. Do you know where the bookstore is?
A: I am not sure where the bookstore is.
B: When you pass the gym, it'll be the first door on the left. Do you know how to sell your old textbooks for money?
A: Yes, I knew I could do that. Exactly how do I go about selling them?
B: If you give your used textbooks to the person at the booth outside the door, he willreimburse you. Can you go over there today?
A: I think maybe I could be there.
B: I am free at 1:00 today or tomorrow if you need some help. Want to meet me over there?
A: Maybe that would work.
B: I'll catch you later then. Have a wonderful morning.
A: Do you mind helping me?
B: What can I help you with?
A: I'm not sure how to find my next class.
B: Do you know what building that it's in?
A: The C building, I think.
B: Well, that's not far away.
A: Could you point me in that direction?
B: Do you know what the room number is?
A: It's C261.
B: My next class is around there.
A: Can you show it to me?
B: Sure, let's go.
A: How is everything going with you?
B: Great. You?
A: Pretty good.
B: Good for you.
A: When did you start going to PCC?
B: This is my second year. How about you?
A: I only got here this year.
B: You like it so far?
A: It's OK.
B: I can tell you don't really like it.
A: It'll get better after I finish my General Education.
B: I understand what you mean.
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