A: I really love this meal.
B: Thanks. I was hoping that you would all enjoy this meal.
A: Where did you learn to cook these amazing dishes?
B: I got a really wonderful cookbook for my birthday and decided to try out a few of the recipes.
A: The chicken is out of this world!
B: I love that dish as well. It is coconut chicken with rice.
A: I was wondering if there was shrimp in the soup.
B: Yes, that soup has a shrimp base. I also added sea vegetables and lemon grass.
A: It worked out well that the wine that I brought to share seems to blend well with this meal.
B: I love this wine! It goes very well with the chicken.
A: One Grand Slam breakfast for you!
B: Thanks. You know, I just noticed that these eggs are fried, and I ordered scrambled.
A: Thank you for pointing that out. I mistakenly gave you your friend's breakfast.
B: Not a problem. I can just trade my plate with his.
A: A special order of banana pancakes for you!
B: Pancakes? I don't like pancakes. I ordered waffles.
A: I am so sorry, sir!
B: I can eat my bacon and eggs while you are exchanging my pancakes for waffles.
A: I will go trade those pancakes for waffles right now.
B: That would take care of it, thank you.
A: Can I take your drink order?
B: Where is your wine list?
A: The wine choices are posted on the little menu in the middle of the table.
B: Do you have any mixed drinks available here?
A: We can make a number of mixed drinks at our bar.
B: I heard that you are famous for your drinks. What are your specials?
A: Our house special is our Cuervo Gold margarita.
B: I would love a margarita right now! That is what I am going to order.
A: Can I prepare your drink on the rocks, or would you prefer it blended?
B: I prefer my margarita on the rocks, please.
A: Do you like your margarita with salt or no salt?
B: No salt, please.
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