
  隨著網路時代的來臨,出現了網路問路,並且出現了專門的問路與指路網站。這些網站幫助網友在網路上指引方向,這包括了公交、自駕、本地搜尋等指引,方便了網遊旅遊。 小編精心收集了有關問路的英語對話,供大家欣賞學習!


  A : Excuse me , could you tell me the way to the Summer Palace ?

  B : Sure . You can take No .9 bus .

  A : Well , now we should turn back a few kilometres .

  B : It seems that the traffic sign is much more important than the map .


  A : Where on earth are we ?

  B : Judging by all the traffic , I’d say we’re near the outskirts of the city .

  A : What did I do wrong? Did I take a wrong turn ?

  B : I’m not sure, but I think you turned right when you should have turned left on the flyover bridge .

  A : I’m grateful to you .

  B : It’s a pleasure.


  A : Excuse me . I wonder if you can help me .

  B : I’ll try my best

  A : I’m completely lost . I’m trying to find the way to my daughter’s home.

  B : Please tell me where your daughter’s home is .

  A : Her home is between the China hotel and Li Sheng Theater .

  B : Turn right at the second traffic light and you will see it on your left .

  A : Where should I get off ?

  B : At the fifth stop .

  A : Just on the other side of the street .