
  情態動詞***modal verb***本身有詞義,表示說話人的語氣或情態,但詞義不完全,不能單獨用作謂語動詞,一般只能和動詞原形一起構成謂語動詞。小編在這裡整理了相關資料,希望能幫助到您。



  1***情態動詞***modal verb***本身有詞義,表示說話人的語氣或情態,但詞義不完全,不能單獨用作謂語動詞,一般只能和動詞原形一起構成謂語動詞。





  I can We can

  You can You can


  They can

  She can




  may -- would

  can ―― could

  may―― night

  shall -- should

  have to -- had to


  must - must ***或had to***

  ought to - ought to


  dare - dare***亦可用dared***

  3***大多數情態動詞後面可用動詞的進行式、完成式和被動形式,如:can***may,must***be doing,can***may,must*** have done,can***may,must***be done等。



  shall not--shan't [FB:nt]

  will not---won't [wEunt]

  can not-can't [kB:nt]

  must not-mustn't [5mQsnt]

  should not-- shouldn't

  would not-- wouldn't

  could not-- couldn't

  dare not- daren't [dZEnt]

  need not-- needn't



  May I ask you a question? 我可以問你一個問題嗎?

  Can you let me use your dictionary for a minute? 你能把字典借我用一會兒嗎?

  Would you like to visit the heavy machinery plant? 你想參觀重型機器廠嗎?

  注意have to在疑問句中的位置。如:

  Do you have to go out today? 你今天一定得出去嗎?

  Does he have to finish the work tomorrow? 他明天非做完這項工作不可嗎?

  情態動詞--can, could




  Can you ride a bike? Yes,I can.你能騎自行車嗎?是的,我能騎。

  Can Mr. Smith use chopsticks? No,he can't . 史密斯先生會用筷子嗎?不,他不會。

  Most women here can read and write now.這裡的多數婦女都能識字,也會寫字。

  In China even barren mountains can be turned into fertile fields. 在中國,荒山也能變成良田。



  It surely can't be six o'clock already? 不可能已經六點鐘了吧?

  You can't be hungry so soon,Tom. You've just had lunch. 頓姆,你不可能餓得這麼快,你剛吃過午飯。

  She cannot be so careless. 她不可能這麼粗心。

  Where can he be? 他會在什麼地方呢?

  What can he mean? 他會是什麼意思呢?

  It surely can't be six o'clock already? 不可能已經是六點鐘了吧?

  [注一] can加動詞的進行時態,也可表示"可能"。如:

  What can he be doing all this time? 他一直會是在幹什麼呢?

  She cannot be playing ping-pong now.她現在不可能在打乒乓球。

  [注二] 在日常會話中,can可代替may表示"允許",may比較正式,如:

  You can drop in any time. 你隨時都可以來串門。

  Can I use your basin? of course,you can.我可以用你的臉盆嗎?--當然可以。

  You can have my seat,I'm going now.我要走了,你坐我的座位吧。



  1***We were sure that he could do the work. 我們肯定他能做這工作。

  He was a farmhand. He could not afford to send his son to school. 他是個僱農,他供不起兒子上學。

  2***At that time we thought the Story could not be true.那時我們以為所說的事不可能是真的。

  [注] could可代替can表示現在,但語氣較為婉轉。如:

  could you wait half an hour?請你等半個小時好嗎?

  could you please ring up again at six? 六點鐘請你再來電話好嗎?

  could we visit a kindergarten? I've been wanting to see one ever since I came to China.我們可以訪問一個幼兒園嗎?我自從到中國來以後,一直想看一所幼兒園。

  [注二]表示過去的能力並已完成一具體動作時須用were ***was*** able ***to***,不可用could。如:

  I am glad we were able to catch the train. 我很高興我們能趕上火車。但如未完成一具體動作,則可用could not。如:

  I am sorry we couldn't ***或weren't able to*** catch the train.我很遺憾我們沒有能趕上火車。


  can只有現在式can和過去式could兩種形式,能表示現在一般和過去一般兩種時態,有時也能表示將來。所有其他時態***包括將來***須用be able加動詞不定式來表示。如:

  With their help, we shall be able to finish the work in a few days. 有他們的協助,我們將會在幾天之內完成這項工作。

  They have not been able to come to Boston. 他們沒有能到波斯頓來。

  Mr. Johnson rang up just now to Say that he won't be able to come over this evening.約翰遜先生剛來電話,說今天晚上他來不了。


  can ***could***用於否定或疑問句中後面跟動詞原形的完成式時,表示對過去發生事件的"可能性"。而could較can更加表示說話人的"不肯定的"語氣。如:

  Can he have left already? 他會是走了嗎?

  Could she have forgotten my address? 她會把我的地址忘記了嗎?

  It couldn't have been henry. He has gone to the factory. 不可能是亨利,他已經去工廠了。

  Surely she can not have arrived so early. 他當然不可能這麼早到這裡的。

  [注] could加動詞的完成式時,有時表示"過去可能完成但事實上並沒有實現的動作"。如:

  You could have done the work better.你本來可以做得更好些。***事實上你做得不那麼好***

  You could have got the early train.你本來可以搭上早班火車的。***事實上沒搭上***





  I must leave at 9:00我必須在九點鐘離開這裡。

  Soldiers must obey orders.士兵必須服從命令。

  You must get to the stallion before three o'clock. 你必須在三點鐘以前到達車站。

  You must come earlier tomorrow.你明天得早點來。


  must的否定形式must not表示"不應該"或


  We mustn't waste our time. 我們不應該浪費我們的時間。

  Passengers must not walk across the railway line.旅客不要橫穿鐵路。

  You mustn't miss that modern ballet,It is extremely good. 你可不要錯過這個現代芭蕾舞劇,它好極了。

  One must not divorce oneself from the masses.不應該脫離群眾。

  [注]說"不必"須用need not。如:

  Must we hand in our exercises today? -No,You needn't.我們必須今天交練習嗎? --不,不必今天交。



  He told us we must all be ready by nine.他告訴我們在九點鐘以前都得準備好。

  It was too late to go back,we must go on.太晚了,回不去了,我們只有繼續往前走。

  [注] have to ***必須***則可以表示各種時間。如:

  I am afraid You will have to wait a while.我看你得等一會兒。

  At every step I had to pull my legs out of the snow.我每走一步都得將雙腿從雪中拔出來。



  He must be in the library now. 他現在準是在圖書館。

  The old man must be over seventy now.那老人準有七十多歲了。

  She must know how to do farm work. 她一定懂得怎樣幹農活。

  You ate very little at breakfast today. You must be hungry now.


  [注] must加動詞原形的進行式,也可表示對現在發生的動作的推測,有"一定"、"準是"的意思。如:

  She must be working on the experimental plot.她現在一定在試驗田裡工作。



  I mailed the letter two weeks ago. She must have received it.


  She must have studied English before. 她以前一定學過英語。

  How did you know about it? Somebody must have told you. 你怎麼知道這事的?一定有人告訴你了。

  情態動詞--may, might



  May I come in? -Yes,do. 我可以進來嗎?--請進。

  May I borrow you raincoat? 我可以借用你的雨衣嗎?

  You may go now. 你現在可以走了。

  You may ring us up any time during office hours.在辦公時間你可以隨時給我們打電話。

  [注] may表示"允許"的否定形式是must not***不應該,不許可***。如:

  May I take this book out of the reading-room? -No,you mustn't. 我可以把這本書拿出閱覽室嗎? --不行。


  We may call on you this evening.我們也許今天晚上來看你。

  She may not go to the concert tonight.今晚她可能不去聽音樂會了。

  The news may or may not be true. 訊息也許是真的,也許不是真的。

  [注] may用在感嘆句中可表示祝願,願望如:

  May you succeed.祝你成功。

  May you have a pleasant journey.一路平安。


  The speaker said we might ask him any question.作報告的人說我們可以向他提任何問題。

  He said he might go to the Palace Museum on Sunday. 他說他星期天可能去參觀故宮博物院。


  He night not come today.今天他也許不來了。

  Might I make a suggestion? 我可以提個建議嗎?


  You might,pay more attention to spoken English.你要更多地注意英語口語。

  You might shut the windows. The wind is blowing so hard outside.關上窗戶吧。外面風很大。

  may ***might***後加動詞的完成式


  Nick may ***might*** have gone to the library.尼克可能到圖書館去了。

  Our manager may ***might*** have gone to Harbin last weekend.


  She may ***might*** have missed the plane.她也許沒趕上飛機。

  [注一] may和might常用在so that和in order that所引導的目的狀語從句中***現在英語中還經常用can***。如:

  Write is in simple language in order that everybody may understand it. 為了大家都看得懂,你要用簡明的文字寫。

  He died,so that others night 1iye.他為了別人而犧牲了。

  [注三] might加動詞的完成式,可說明某一事情在過去沒有實現並含有"勸告"甚至"責備"的意思。如:

  You might have told me earlier.你本來可以早點告訴我的。

  You might have been more careful.你本來可以多加小心。

  情態動詞--have to

  have to

  have to加動詞原形


  Mr. Johnson has to work very hard to earn a living.約翰遜先生為了謀生不得不拼命幹活。

  I had to leave the party early last night. I wasn't very well.昨晚我只得早點離開晚會,我不大舒服。

  We will have to get up very early tomorrow.我們明天必須起得很早。

  I shall have to go to the clinic today for my bad cough.我咳嗽得厲害,今天必須去診療所看看。

  [注]口語中的I have got to,you have got to等:I have to,you have to. Have I got to?和Do I have to?這兩種疑問形式均可用。





  You shall do it,whether you want to or not. 不管你願意不願意,你必須做這項工作。***命令***

  You shall have the book as soon as I finish it.這本書我一看完就給你。***允諾***

  You shall pay for it.你一定會受到懲罰的。***威脅***



  What shall I do now? 我現在該做什麼?

  Shall we go for a walk? 我們去散步好嗎?

  Shall he come tomorrow? 你要他明天來嗎?



  情態動詞Should表示"勸告"、 "建議 "時

  這時should常譯作 "應當"。如:

  We Should learn about the computer and make full use of it.我們應該瞭解計算機並加以充分利用。

  You should listen to the doctor's advice.你應當聽大夫的話。

  You should study the article care fully. 你應當細,心學習這篇文章。

  should還可以表示 "預測"、"可能"

  They should be here by now.他們現在可能到了。

  The reference book should be in the reading-room.這本參考書可能在閱覽室裡。


  Why should I go? 我幹嗎要去?***不滿***

  I am sorry that he Should be so obstinate.我很遺憾,他竟這樣固執。***失望***

  It's strange that it should be so hot today.很怪,今天怎麼這麼熱。***驚奇***



  You should have stopped at in red light. 你見了紅燈本應該停車。

  You Should not have gone back to work without the doctor's permission.你不應當未經醫生許可就回去工作。

  He Should have come earlier. 他應早一點來。




  可用於各人稱,表示 "意志"、"意願"、"決心"、"允諾"等。如:

  I will try. 我願一試。

  I will do my best. 我一定盡力而為。

  We will never do it again. 我們永遠不會再做此事了。

  Which will you fake?你要哪一個?

  Who will go with me? 誰願和我一同去?



  Will you please explain the sentence once more?請你再把這個句子解釋一遍好嗎?

  Will you have western food or Chinese food,Mr. Smith? 史密斯先生,你吃西餐還是中餐?

  Will you pass me the butter? 請你把黃油遞給我好嗎?


  Won't you come in ?請進來好嗎?

  [注一] 在條件狀語從句中須用現在一般時表將來,但當will用作情態動詞表意願時,則亦可用於條件狀語從句,如I'll be glad if you will come.***你如願來,我將會很高興***。

  [注二]will在下面句子中 = I suppose***我猜想***或probably***大概***。如:

  This will be the room you are looking for. 這大概就是你要找的那個房間。

  You will remember the story I told you the other day.你們大概還記得我那天給你們講的那個故事。


  Water will boil at 100 degrees Centigrade.水總是在攝氏100度煮沸。

  Boys will be boys.男孩子總是男孩子。



  是will的過去式,可用於各人稱,表示過去時間的"意志"、"願望"和 "決心"等。如:

  He declared that he would do everything to help us. 他說要盡一切可能來幫助我們。

  I told peter that I would go along wit him.我告訴彼得我要跟他一塊去。

  All in e doctors and nurses told Dr. Bethune not to give his own blood to the wounded, but he wouldn't listen.和護士勸白求恩大夫不要把自己的血輸給傷員,但是他不聽。



  Would you tell us something about yourself? 請跟我們談談你自己好嗎?

  Would you like to have a glass of wine? 你要喝杯酒嗎?

  Would you please tell me the way to the nearest bus-stop? 請告訴我去最近的公共汽車站怎麼走好嗎?

  Would you mind helping me with my packing? 請你幫我打打行李好嗎?

  [注]在日常會話中,I would like to和I should like to都可以說,I would like的簡略式為I'd like。如:

  I should ***would*** like to have a look at the new television set.我想看看這架新電視機。

  I'd like to borrow a copy of Alice in Wonderland.我要借一本《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》。


  I found that retired persons would often go to the park to play chess.我發現退休的人經常到公園裡下棋。

  When he had a problem to solve,he would work at it until he found an answer.當他有個問題要解決時,他總是想辦法一直到找到答案為止。




  You ought to follow the old man's advice.你應當聽那位老人的話。

  You oughtn't to smoke so much.你不應當抽菸太多。

  You ought to go to the clinic at once. You don't look well.你臉色不好,應該馬上到醫務室去。

  [注]ought表示"應該",語氣比should 強。


  指過去的動作。如用肯定形式***ought to have done***,表示某一件事該做而未做,相當於should have done。如用否定形式***ought not to have done***,則表示一件不該做的事情發生了,相當於should not have done。如:

  He ought to have done the exercise more carefully.這個練習他應當作得更細心一些。

  I ought to have returned these books to the library last week. 我上星期就應當把這些書還給圖書館。

  You ought not to have been so rude.你不該這樣粗魯。

  You ought not to have taken his skates without asking him.你不該沒有得到他的許可就把他的冰鞋拿走。


  dare ***敢***


  They dare not tell the truth.他們不敢說真話。

  Dare he admit his mistake? 他敢於承認錯誤嗎?

  He dared say no more。他不敢再說了。


  Young people should dare to think,dare to speak and dare to act.青年人要敢想、敢說、敢幹。


  Do they dare to do it? 他們敢做這事嗎?

  The enemy did not dare to come out after dark.敵人夜間不敢出來。


  I didn't dale come.我不敢來。

  Who dares stop me? 誰敢阻攔我?




  Need we return the magazines today?我們今天需要把雜誌還回去嗎?

  Every member needs to pay only a little money a year to get medical care.每個成員每年只需繳一點錢就可以得到醫療。

  You need not write down your translation. You may do it orally. 你們不必寫下這個翻譯練習,口頭做就行了。

  [注]與dare一樣,在否定句或疑問句裡,need也可和實義動詞相同,用助動詞to do來幫助,後面的動詞不定式必須帶to。如:

  Do they need to take any tools with them? -No., they don't need to.他們需要帶工具嗎? --不需要。

  He did not need to go there early that day. 那天他不必早去。



  I need a dictionary.我需要字典。

  You need a hair-cut. 你該理髮了。

  Do you need a fountain-pen? 你需要一支自來水筆嗎?

  I don't need a new jacket. 我不需要一件新茄克衫。

  Mary looks tried,she needs a rest. 瑪麗看上去累了,需要休息。



  You needn't have watered the vegetables,as it is going to rain.你滿可以不必澆菜,天要下雨了。

  You needn't have brought your umbrella. We are going by taxi你滿可以不必帶傘,我們要坐出租汽車去。

  [注一]注意didn't have to和didn't nee to則常表示過去未做也勿須做的動作。如:

  I didn't have to interpret it for her,for she knows Chinese.我勿須為她翻譯,她懂漢語。

  I didn't need to take a taxi; it is only five minutes walk to the station.到車站只須走五分鐘,我不需要坐出租汽車。

  [注二] used to和had better也可看作是情態動詞。情態動詞used to表示過去的習慣,但現在已無此習慣***would表過去習慣時則無此含義***。如:

  When I was young,I used to play football.我小時常踢足球。

  He didn't use to come. ***或用usedn't to***他過去不常來。

  Did he used to come? ***亦可說used he to...?***他過去常來嗎?had better表可取,意為"應該"或"最好"。如:

  We had better go now. 我們最好走吧。

  You'd better stop now.你現在應該停下來。***對長輩不可用had better***

  Hadn't we better go now? 我們現在走不好嗎?***had better一般不用於肯定疑問句***