



  1. need作情態動詞,一般用於疑問句和否定句中,表示“需要”、“必要”。當其用於現在時和將來時時,在賓語從句中可當過去時用。肯定回答用must***或have to, ought to, should*** 來表達。否定式為need not / needn't表示“不必,不需要”。如:

  ***1*** You needn't show your passport at the entrance unless the guard asks you for it.

  ***2*** —Shall I tell Jack about it?

  —No, you needn't. I've told him already.

  2. need作實義動詞,意為“需要”、“要求”。如:

  ***1*** You don't need to leave so early.

  ***2*** He needs to try one more experiment.


  1. 情態動詞,表示“敢”,後接動詞原形,用於否定句、疑問句和條件狀語從句中。如:

  ***1*** We dare not refuse their request.

  ***2*** Dare you walk through the forest at night?

  2. 當實義動詞用時,可用於各種句型中。dare作實義動詞用在否定句和疑問句中時,其後接不定式有時可省去“to”。如:

  ***1*** Does he dare to come?

  ***2*** She dares to speak in front of big audience.

  ***3*** I have never dared***to*** speak to him.

  3can/be able to/could用法

  1. can和be able to都表示“能力”。在英語語法中,can只有現在時和過去時,而be able to則有更多的形式。但當成功地完成某一具體動作時,通常不用could而用was / were able to來表示。這時was / were able to 相當於managed to, 表示“經過一番努力,終於能夠完成某事”。如:

  ***1*** Can you use chopsticks?

  ***2*** The wounded man was able to get to the village and was saved in the end.

  2. can和could都可以表示“能力、技能、許可、建議或請求和可能性”。但比較委婉客氣地提出問題或陳述看法時,一般用could,回答時則用can。如:

  ***1*** Could you help me carry the bag?

  ***2*** Can I help you?


  1. may和might均可表示“可能”,但may比might可能性大。如:

  —Why isn't he in class?

  He may be sick.***生病的可能性較大***[He might be sick.***生病的可能性較小***]

  2. may和might均可表示“允許”,may用於現在時或將來時,might常用在間接引語中表過去時,但might也可用於現在時,表示比較委婉的語氣,回答用may。如:

  ***1*** He says we may leave.

  ***2*** He said we might leave.

  3. may和might均可表示“建議或請求”,但might比may 更客氣,意思更肯定,沒有過去時態的含義。

  —May / Might I use your bike?

  Yes, you can / may.

  No, you mustn't.



  例1.Johnny,you___play with the knife,you __hurt yourself.

  A.won’t;can’t B.muStn’t:may

  C.shouldn't;must D.can’t:shouldn’



  例2.-Will you stay for lunch?

  一Sorry,___ My brother is coming to see me.

  A.I mustn‘t B.I can’t C.I needn’t D.1 won’t


  【試題解析】分析題意可知因為“我弟弟要來看我”,所以“不能留下”,因此對別人的邀請或要求應給予禮貌的拒絕。A 項表示“禁止”;C項表示“不必要”;而D項表示“不會”,均不符合題意。故本題選B。

  例3.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly

  but eVeryOne___get out.

  A.had to B.would C.could D. was able to


  【試題解析】該題考查了could和be able to的區別,二者都可表示過去時間的能力,但如果表示過去成功地做了某事只能使用was/were able to do。

  例4.-Shall I tell John about it?

  一NO,you____. I've told him already.

  A.needn’t B.wouldn’t C.mustn’t D.shouldn't





  1***must表示推測,意為“一定??”,只能用於肯定句中。must have done意為“一定做過某事或某事肯定發生了”

  例1:-Hi,Tom.Any idea where Jane is?

  - She 1n the classroom.I saw her there just now.

  A.shall be B.should have been

  C.must be D.might have been


  【試題解析】由下文的I saw her there just now.可知她現在一定是呆在教室裡。must用於肯定句中,表把握較大的推測。

  例2:一The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.

  一Oh,dear!Sne___a lot of difficulties!

  A.may go through

  B.might go through

  C.ought to have gone through

  D.must have gone through


  【試題解析】由上文的stayed可知,此題是對過去情況的推測。根據上文studying wild animals for 13 years可以判斷出她一定遇到了許多困難。


  例1:-I ve taken someone else’S green sweater by mistake.

  一It____Harryts.He always wears green.

  A.has to be B.w1]]be

  C.mustn’t be D.could be



  例2:-Do you know where David is? I couldn’t find him anywhere.

  一Wel1.He____ have gone far.His coat’S still here.

  A.shouldn’t B.mustn’t

  C.can't D.wouldn't



  例如:Some people who don’t like to talk much are not necessarily shy;they

  ____just be quiet people.

  A.must B.may C.should D.would



  例如:-I can't find my purse anywhere.


  have lost it while shopping.

  A.may B.can C.should D.would




  1***should/ought to表示按常理推測將要發生什麼

  例如:-When can I come for the photos?I need them tomorrow afternoon.

  -They____be ready by 12 O0.

  A.can B.should C.might D.need




  例如:It is usually warm in my hometown in March,but

  it___be rather cold sometimes.

  A.must B.can C.should D.would





  1.Il有些情態動詞+have done”結構還可以表示“批評”、“責備”、“惋惜”語氣。主要有:

  1***needn‘t+have done “本來不必 ***但卻做了某事***”。

  例如:-Catherine,I have cleaned the room for you.

  -Thanks.You___1t.I could manage it myself

  A.needn’t do B.needn’t have done

  C.mustn’t do D.shouldn。t have done


  2***could***不用can***+have done表示“本來能夠***而事實上未做到***”

  例如:He paid for a seat,when he entered free

  A.could B.would C.must D.need



  3***might+have done表示“本來可以做到??***而事實上未做到***”

  例如: You might have worked out this problem,though it was a little difficult.

  4***should/ought to+have done表示“本應該做某事***但沒做***”

  例如:-My cat is really fat.

  -You_____ have given her so much food.

  A.wouldn’t B.couldn’t C.shouldn’t D.mustn’t



  例如:-Excuse me,but 1 want to use yomr computer to type a report?

  -You____have my computer if you don’t take care of it?

  A.shah’t B.might not C.needn’t D.shouldn’t




  例如:John,look at the time.___you play the piano at such a late hour?

  A.Must B.Can C.May D.Need



  例如:You can’t imagine that a well—behaved gentlemen____be so rude to a lady.

  A.might B.need C.should D.would



  1情態動詞need的用法  1. need作情態動詞,一般用於疑問句和否定句中,表示“需要”、“必要”。當其用於現在時和將來時時,在賓語從句中可當過去時用。肯定回答用must***或have to, ought to, should*** 來表達。否定式為need not / needn't表示“不必,不需要”。如:

  ***1*** You needn't show your passport at the entrance unless the guard asks you for it.

  ***2*** —Shall I tell Jack about it?

  —No, you needn't. I've told him already.

  2. need作實義動詞,意為“需要”、“要求”。如:

  ***1*** You don't need to leave so early.

  ***2*** He needs to try one more experiment.

  2情態動詞dare的用法  1. 情態動詞,表示“敢”,後接動詞原形,用於否定句、疑問句和條件狀語從句中。如:

  ***1*** We dare not refuse their request.

  ***2*** Dare you walk through the forest at night?

  2. 當實義動詞用時,可用於各種句型中。dare作實義動詞用在否定句和疑問句中時,其後接不定式有時可省去“to”。如:

  ***1*** Does he dare to come?

  ***2*** She dares to speak in front of big audience.

  ***3*** I have never dared***to*** speak to him.

  3can/be able to/could用法  1. can和be able to都表示“能力”。在英語語法中,can只有現在時和過去時,而be able to則有更多的形式。但當成功地完成某一具體動作時,通常不用could而用was / were able to來表示。這時was / were able to 相當於managed to, 表示“經過一番努力,終於能夠完成某事”。如:

  ***1*** Can you use chopsticks?

  ***2*** The wounded man was able to get to the village and was saved in the end.

  2. can和could都可以表示“能力、技能、許可、建議或請求和可能性”。但比較委婉客氣地提出問題或陳述看法時,一般用could,回答時則用can。如:

  ***1*** Could you help me carry the bag?

  ***2*** Can I help you?

  4may和might的用法  1. may和might均可表示“可能”,但may比might可能性大。如:

  —Why isn't he in class?

  He may be sick.***生病的可能性較大***[He might be sick.***生病的可能性較小***]

  2. may和might均可表示“允許”,may用於現在時或將來時,might常用在間接引語中表過去時,但might也可用於現在時,表示比較委婉的語氣,回答用may。如:

  ***1*** He says we may leave.

  ***2*** He said we might leave.

  3. may和might均可表示“建議或請求”,但might比may 更客氣,意思更肯定,沒有過去時態的含義。

  —May / Might I use your bike?

  Yes, you can / may.

  No, you mustn't.

  5情態動詞的基本用法  最近幾年高考試題中常常藉助語境來考查情態動詞的基本用法及其區別,因此準確掌握情態動詞的基本用法十分重要。

  例1.Johnny,you___play with the knife,you __hurt yourself.

  A.won’t;can’t B.muStn’t:may

  C.shouldn't;must D.can’t:shouldn’



  例2.-Will you stay for lunch?

  一Sorry,___ My brother is coming to see me.

  A.I mustn‘t B.I can’t C.I needn’t D.1 won’t


  【試題解析】分析題意可知因為“我弟弟要來看我”,所以“不能留下”,因此對別人的邀請或要求應給予禮貌的拒絕。A 項表示“禁止”;C項表示“不必要”;而D項表示“不會”,均不符合題意。故本題選B。

  例3.The fire spread through the hotel very quickly

  but eVeryOne___get out.

  A.had to B.would C.could D. was able to


  【試題解析】該題考查了could和be able to的區別,二者都可表示過去時間的能力,但如果表示過去成功地做了某事只能使用was/were able to do。

  例4.-Shall I tell John about it?

  一NO,you____. I've told him already.

  A.needn’t B.wouldn’t C.mustn’t D.shouldn't



  6情態動詞表示推測  1.表示推測時,根據時間確定情態動詞的結構做題時要分清情態動詞與時間的關係,以便正確使用情態動詞的結構,這也是高考的熱門考點。

  1***must表示推測,意為“一定??”,只能用於肯定句中。must have done意為“一定做過某事或某事肯定發生了”

  例1:-Hi,Tom.Any idea where Jane is?

  - She 1n the classroom.I saw her there just now.

  A.shall be B.should have been

  C.must be D.might have been


  【試題解析】由下文的I saw her there just now.可知她現在一定是呆在教室裡。must用於肯定句中,表把握較大的推測。

  例2:一The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.

  一Oh,dear!Sne___a lot of difficulties!

  A.may go through

  B.might go through

  C.ought to have gone through

  D.must have gone through


  【試題解析】由上文的stayed可知,此題是對過去情況的推測。根據上文studying wild animals for 13 years可以判斷出她一定遇到了許多困難。


  例1:-I ve taken someone else’S green sweater by mistake.

  一It____Harryts.He always wears green.

  A.has to be B.w1]]be

  C.mustn’t be D.could be



  例2:-Do you know where David is? I couldn’t find him anywhere.

  一Wel1.He____ have gone far.His coat’S still here.

  A.shouldn’t B.mustn’t

  C.can't D.wouldn't



  例如:Some people who don’t like to talk much are not necessarily shy;they

  ____just be quiet people.

  A.must B.may C.should D.would



  例如:-I can't find my purse anywhere.


  have lost it while shopping.

  A.may B.can C.should D.would




  1***should/ought to表示按常理推測將要發生什麼

  例如:-When can I come for the photos?I need them tomorrow afternoon.

  -They____be ready by 12 O0.

  A.can B.should C.might D.need




  例如:It is usually warm in my hometown in March,but

  it___be rather cold sometimes.

  A.must B.can C.should D.would





  1.Il有些情態動詞+have done”結構還可以表示“批評”、“責備”、“惋惜”語氣。主要有:

  1***needn‘t+have done “本來不必 ***但卻做了某事***”。

  例如:-Catherine,I have cleaned the room for you.

  -Thanks.You___1t.I could manage it myself

  A.needn’t do B.needn’t have done

  C.mustn’t do D.shouldn。t have done


  2***could***不用can***+have done表示“本來能夠***而事實上未做到***”

  例如:He paid for a seat,when he entered free

  A.could B.would C.must D.need



  3***might+have done表示“本來可以做到??***而事實上未做到***”

  例如: You might have worked out this problem,though it was a little difficult.

  4***should/ought to+have done表示“本應該做某事***但沒做***”

  例如:-My cat is really fat.

  -You_____ have given her so much food.

  A.wouldn’t B.couldn’t C.shouldn’t D.mustn’t



  例如:-Excuse me,but 1 want to use yomr computer to type a report?

  -You____have my computer if you don’t take care of it?

  A.shah’t B.might not C.needn’t D.shouldn’t




  例如:John,look at the time.___you play the piano at such a late hour?

  A.Must B.Can C.May D.Need



  例如:You can’t imagine that a well—behaved gentlemen____be so rude to a lady.

  A.might B.need C.should D.would


