Goodbye Again, Cambridge!
I leave softly, gently,
Exactly as I came.
I wave to the western sky,
Telling it goodbye softly, gently.
The golden willow at the river edge
Is the setting sun‘s bride.
Her quivering reflection
Stays fixed in my mind.
Green grass on the bank
Dances on a watery floor
In bright reflection.
I wish myself a bit of waterweed
Vibrating to the ripple.
Of the River Cam.
That creek in the shade of the great elms
Is not a creek but a shattered rainbow,
Printed on the water
And inlaid with duckweed,
It is my lost dream.
Hunting a dream?
Wielding a long punting pole
I get my boat into green water,
Into still greener grass.
In a flood of starlight
On a river of silver and diamond
I sing to my heart‘s content.
But now, no, I cannot sing
With farewell in my heart.
Farewells must be quiet, mute,
Even the summer insects are silent,
Knowing I am leaving.
The Cambridge night is soundless.
I leave quietly
As I came quietly.
I am leaving
Without taking so much
As absp; piece of cloud.
But with a quick jerk of my sleave
I wave goodbye.
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