When Zhang Zi had no money, he went to a lord to borrow some grain.
“That’s all right, “said the lord. I shall soon have collected the taxes from my slaves, then I’ll lend you three hundred gold pieces. How about that?”
這財主說: “沒問題,我馬上就向我的奴隸們收稅,到時候我就會借給你300個金幣。你看如何?”
Zhuang zi told the story very angrily.
As I was coming here yesterday I heard a voice calling me, and looking duanwenw round I saw a carp lying in the dried rut on the road.
“昨天我到這裡來的路上,聽見有人在喊我,回頭一看,原來是一條鯉魚躺在路上乾涸的車轍裡 。 “
“How did you get there, carp?” I asked.
於是我問道: “鯉魚,你怎麼會躺在這裡?”
“I am a native of the Eastern Ocean, “ he replied. “Do you have a barrel of water to save my life?”
他回答說: '我是東海龍王的臣民,你能用一桶水來救救我嗎?”
“that’s all right,” I told him. “I shall soon he vistiing the King of Wu and Yue in the south, duanwenw and I shall bring some water for yo9u from the East Sea. How about that ?”
我對他說: “好的,我就要去見南方的吳王和越王,我會從東海為你引來水源。你看如何?”
The carp was most angry..
“I have no way but the say, one barrel of water would save me. But you give me nothing but empty promises. You’ll have to look for me later in the fish market.”
“我在說, 一桶水就可以救我,你卻給我像風一般的諾言 。 很快你就會在魚市上找到我。
It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in Okahoma City. My friend and proud father Bobby Lewis was taking his two little boys to play miniature golf. He walked up to her fellow at the ticket counter and said,” How much is it to get in?”
The young man replied, “$3for you and $3 for any kid who is older than six. Wet let them in free if they are six or younger. How old are they?”
Boddy replied, “The lawyer’s three and the doctor is seven, so I guess I owe you $6.”
The man at the ticket counter said, “Hey, Mister, did you just win the lottery or something? You could have saved yourself three bucks. You could have told me that the older one was six. I wouldn’t have know the difference. ” Bobby replied, “Yes, that may be true, but the kids would have known the difference.”
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying.” In challenging times when ethics are more important than ever before, make sure you set a good example for everyone you work and live with.
The Ding family in the State of Song had no well of its own. someone in the family sometimes had to spend a whole day doing nothing but fetch water from a distance. To solve the trouble they had a well sunk in their courtyard.
After the job was finished, they said to one another happily, “It seems with the sinking of the well one more person is added to our family.”
One of Ding’s friends heard of the remark and passed the word duanwenw from the friend to the friend and yet to another, until the story ran as the follow words, “The Dings had a well sunk and found a man inside!”
When the Duke of Song heard the tale, he sent for Ding to inquire into the matter.
With the sinking of the well it is as if your obedient servant has had the help of a man,” explained Ding to the Duke. “It doesn’t mean that I actually found a man in the well.”
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