


  1. Hello! / Hi! 你好!

  2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨***下午/晚上***好!

  3. I'm Kathy King. 我是凱西·金。

  4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得·史密斯嗎?

  5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。

  6. How are you? 你好嗎?

  7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,謝謝,你呢?

  8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。

  9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 愛米好嗎?/你妻子好嗎?/你丈夫好嗎?

  10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,謝謝。

  11. Good night, Jane. 晚安,簡。

  12. Good-bye, Mike. 再見,邁克。

  13. See you tomorrow. 明天見。

  14. See you later. 待會兒見。

  15. I have to go now. 我必須走了。

  1. How old are you? 你多大了?

  2. I'm twenty-two ***years old***. 我二十二了。

  3. Mr. Smith is still in his forties. 史密斯先生才四十幾歲。

  4. I'm two years younger than my sister. 我比我姐小兩歲。

  5. My elder sister is one year older than her husband. 我姐比他丈夫大一歲。


  1. Most of them are less than 他們中大多數不到30歲。

  2. I guess he's about 我猜他大概30歲。

  3. She's going to be 15 next month. 下個月她就滿15了。

  4. They'll have a party for their 10th wedding anniversary.他們將為結婚十週年開個晚會。

  5. He's still a boy after all. 他畢竟還只是個孩子。

  6. Hi, Joe, is it really you? 喬,你好,真是你嗎?

  7. Hi, Ann. Nice to see you again. 安,你好。真高興再次見到你。

  8. It's been a whole year since I last saw you. 我整整一年沒見你了。

  9. Yes, but you look as pretty now, as you did then. 但你看起來還是那麼漂 亮。

  10. Oh, thank you. How have you been these days? 歐,謝謝。這段時間你好嗎?

  11. Not too bad. 不太糟。

  12. But you sound so sad. 但聽起來你很悲傷。

  13. Yes, I lost my pet cat yesterday. 是啊,昨天我的寵物貓丟了。

  14. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. 聽到這訊息我很遺憾。

  15. That's all right. 沒事兒。

  16. Have you seen Kate lately? 最近你看見凱特了嗎?

  17. No, I have no contact with her. 沒有。我和她沒有一點兒聯絡。

  18. I heard she got married last week. 我聽說她上星期結婚了。

  19. Oh, how nice. Sorry, I've got to go now. 那真好。對不起,我必須得走了。

  20. So do I. See you later. Keep in touch. 我也是,再見。記得聯絡哦。


  1. What's your name? 你叫什麼名字?

  2. May I have your name? 能告訴我你的名字嗎?

  3. My name is Thomas. 我叫湯姆斯。

  4. Just call me Tom. 就叫我湯姆吧。

  5. What's your family name? 你姓什麼?

  6. My family name is Ayneswonth. 我姓安尼思華斯。

  7. How do you spell it? 怎麼拼?

  8. Who is the lady in white? 穿白衣服的那位小姐是誰?

  9. Could you introduce me to her? 你能把我介紹給她嗎?

  10. Rose, let me introduce my friend to you. 羅斯,讓我介紹一下我的朋友。

  11. This is Tom. He's my classmate. 這是湯姆。我的同學。

  12. Nice to meet you. 很高興認識你。

  13. Nice to meet you, too. 認識你我也很高興。

  14. Let me introduce myself. 讓我自我介紹一下。

  15. How do you do? 你好!

  16. He's the youngest in the family. 他是一家中最小的。

  17. He looks much younger than he is. 他看起來比他實際上年輕得多。

  18. I came here when I was 我二十歲來這兒。

  19. I started school at the age of 我六歲開始上學。

  20. My father is over 60 years old. 我父親已年過六十了。

