K: Hi, Mary. You look a little bit tired.
M: Yes, we just moved in our new house.
K: Sounds great. How is your new house going?
M: We are still in a bit of mess.
K: Why did you move out of the old house? I think it is also a good place.
M: Yes, it is not bad. But our kids are growing up, and I hope they can have their own rooms.
K: That's great! What do you think of your new house?
M: We have a big swimming pool in our new house. My husband has his own bookroom, and I also have a bigger garden.
K: Gorgeous!
M: Well, I've got some flowers and vegetables there. By the way, how about having a house-warming party in my new house this weekend?
K: I'd be up for that!
R: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?
P: Good morning. My name is Paul. I called you yesterday to reserve a single room for me.
R: Just a moment. please. I'II check our reservation record.
P: All right.
R: Right I got it. We have reserved a single room with number 266 for you, sir.
P: With or without a bathroom?
R: With a bathroom and it is a room with a view of the sea.
P: It sounds nice.
R: Sir, how would you like to pay for the room?
P: By credit card.
R: Now, please fill in the registration forms.
P: All right. Well, I would like to request a 6:00 a.m. wake-up call for tomorrow, please.
R: Yes. A bellman will show you the room. And your baggage will be brought up later. Please enjoy your stay.
W: Honey. I am going to have a business trip in three days. I think I have no time to pay the bills.
H: I can manage it.
W: Every month, we should pay the bills for water, gas and electricity.
H: So many!
W: It's not rocket science! First you should check our electric meter and water meter with the number on the bills. And then, calculate the amount of all bills and write out checks. Remember to take this card with you to the bank. You should buy the gas with it.
H: What a trouble!
W: The gas company charged the hook-up two months ago. Now we can get $100 back. A penny saved is a penny earned.
H: I know. But why don't you arrange for bank withdrawals for the bills? It takes me so much time to write out checks.
W: All right, I will do it next time.
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