


  Development of the Automobile

  The automobile has a long history.The French engineer Nicolas Joseph Cugnot built the first self-propelled vehicle ***Paris,1789***,a heavy,three-wheeled,steam-driven carriage with a boiler that projected in front; its speed was c.3 mph ***5 kph***.In 1801 the British engineer Richard Trevithick also built a three-wheeled,steam-driven car; the engine drove the rear wheels.Development of the automobile was retarded for decades by was limited to 4 mph ****** kph*** and until 1896 a person was required to walk in front of a self-propelled vehicle,carrying a red flag by day and a red lantern by night.The Stanley brothers of Massachusetts,the most well-known American manufacturers of steam-driven autos,produced their Stanley Steamers from 1897 until after World War I.

  The development of the automobile was accelerated by the introduction of the internal-combustion engine.Probably the first vehicle of this type was the three-wheeled car built in 1885 by the engineer Karl Benz in Germany.Another German engineer,Gottlieb Daimler,built an improved internal-combustion engine c.1885.The Panhard car,introduced in France by the Daimler company in 1894,had many features of the modern car.In the United States,internal-combustion cars of the horseless buggy type were manufactured in the 1890s by Charles Duryea and J.Frank Duryea,Elwood Haynes,Henry Ford,Ransom E.Olds,and Alexander Winton.Many of the early engines had only one cylinder,with a chain-and-sprocket drive on wooden carriage wheels.The cars generally were open,accommodated two passengers,and were steered by a lever.

  The free growth of the automobile industry in the early 20th cent.was threatened by the American inventor George Selden's patent,issued in 1895.Several early manufacturers licensed by Selden formed an association in 1903 and took over the patent in 1907.Henry Ford,the leader of a group of independent manufacturers who refused to acknowledge the patent,was engaged in litigation with Selden and the association from 1903 until 1911,when the U.S.Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the patent,although valid,covered only the two-cycle engine; most cars,including Ford's,used a four-cycle engine.The mass production of automobiles that followed,and the later creation of highways linking cities to suburbs and region to region,transformed American landscape and society.



  The car is self-driving, electric, and the front chairs can swivel round. And using iris recognition software you can start it using only your eyes.


  It might look like something plucked straight from the future, but Chevrolet’s latest innovation is actually their vision of tomorrow’s self-driving electric vehicle. Called the Chevrolet-FNR, it boasts a futuristic capsule design among other interesting features.The car is only a concept for now, but offers a glimpse and what some manufacturers are planning for the upcoming self-driving car era.


  It was developed in Shanghai by GM’s Pan Asia Technical Automotive Centre ***PATAC*** joint venture.


  Chevrolet said the car offered a ‘glimpse at mobility of the future.’


  It has crystal laser headlights and taillights and ‘dragonfly’ dual swing doors that open upwards.The car also has magnetic hubless electric wheel motors and a wireless autocharging system.


  While in self-driving mode, the front seats of the vehicle swivel 180 degrees to face the rear seats, so the driver can talk to their passengers.


  Using a gesture control feature, though, the driver can switch to manual control mode whenever they want.


  ‘The FNR concept reaffirms Chevrolet’s commitment to offer electric vehicles that meet customer’s lifestyles and are within their reach,’ said Alan Batey, head of global Chevrolet.

  雪佛蘭全球負責人Alan Batey說:“FNR的概念重申了雪佛蘭的理念——致力於為迎合顧客生活方式而製造電動汽車”。



  Flying cars has always captivated the world's imagination. Now, one company claims it is one step closer to making the technology a reality after releasing new designs for its revolutionary vehicle known as the TF-X.


  Terrafugia's concept vehicle - which doubles as both a plane and a land car - has fold-out wings with twin electric motors attached to each end.These motors allow the TF-X to move from a vertical to a horizontal position, and will be powered by a 300 hp engine.


  Thrust will be provided by a ducted fan, and the vehicle will have a cruising speed of 200 mph ***322 km/h***, along with a 500 mile ***805 km*** flight range.


  The company says its aim is to provide 'true door-to-door transportation,' with the vehicle capable of being parked in a home garage like an ordinary car.The planned four-person TF-X will be semi-autonmous and use computer-controls so that passengers can simply type in a destination before taking off.


  However, Massachusetts-based firm Terrafugia says the TF-X will still be another 8-12 years in development.


  They have been dreaming about flying cars since the turn of the 20th century. The Transition street-legal airplane is the first step on the road to the practical flying car.They're making personal aviationprogressively safer and more accessible to a broader segment of the population.
