Spring does come. In the garden the rue anemones come marching out, bright as toy soldiers on their parapets of stone. The dogwoods float in casual clouds among the hills.
This is the Resurrection time. That which was dead, or so it seemed, has come to life again-the stiff branch, there is in truth eternal life.
So, in the spring, we plunge shovels into the garden plot, turn under the dark compost, rake fine the crumbling clods, and press the inert seeds into orderly rows. These are the commonest routines. Who could find excitement here?
But look! The rain falls, and the sun warms, and something happens. It is the germination process. Germ of what? Germ of life, germ inexplicable,. Here is a message that transcends the rites of any church or creed or organized religion. I would challenge any doubting Thomas in my pea patch.
Everywhere, spring brings the blessed reassurance that life goes on, that death is no more than a passing season. The plan never falters; the design never changes. It is all ordered. It has all been always ordered.
Look to the rue anemone, if you will, or the pea patch, or to the pea patch, or to the stubbom weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street. This is how it was, is now, and ever shall be, the world without end. In the serene certainty of spring recurring, who can fear the distant fall?
Let your feelings be your choice. There’s no need for the twistsandturns1 of circumstance to hold your feelings hostage.
In each moment, let your outlook be determined by your highest expectations. Observe the world from a positive perspective, and you’ll see the most valuable possibilities.
You’ll never have to be upset in an attempt to be realistic. Though reality is what it is, you always have the choice of what to make of it.
It is easy to think you need to feel sorry for yourself. It is far better, though, to avoid the waste of time and energy that your self-pity would produce.
Your feelings are powerful, and they are yours to choose. Whatever may happen, you always have the option of dealing with it from a position of strength.
In every challenge there is great potential value. Choose to feel powerful and positive, and that value is yours to create.
From time to time, part of human nature is to be critical and competitive in a way that isn’t beneficial to your soul.
Feelings of exhaustion brought by comparing can be really hard to escape from. If you have ever felt this way, I want you to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. That light is support.
When you feel yourself being critical and judgmental, switch over to the bright side by giving support. When you catch yourself doing this, make yourself aware of the feeling, which actually stops the negativity by immediately pouring your energy into something loving and positive.
Actively give other people your support. Tell others how much you believe in them and how much you appreciate them. If you’re alone, then write letters to let them know. It could be someone you love or someone you don’t even know, but you should believe in what they say and what they do.
Giving love is the best way to receive love in return. When the negativity creeps in, push it out by loving and supporting others.
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