


  1. beat off 擊退,打退***進攻***

  2. beat up and down 來回奔走

  3. begin with 以…開始;開始於

  4. to begin with 首先,第一

  5. on behalf of 代表…,為了…

  6. believe in 相信,信仰,主張

  7. make believe 假裝,裝作

  8. belong to[bi'l08]屬於;附屬

  9. for the best ***完全***出於好意

  10. as best one can 盡最大努力

  11. at best 充其量,至多

  12. best of all 最***好***,首先

  13. at one's best 處在最好狀態

  14. do one's best 盡力,努力

  15. do one's level best 全力以赴

  16. get the best of 勝過,打贏

  17. had best 最好,頂好

  18. make the best of 充分利用***時間等***

  19. for the better 好轉,向好的方向發展

  20. get the better of 打敗,智勝

  21. had better do sth. 還是…好,最好還是…

  22. a bill of fare 選單;節目單

  23. bit by bit 一點一點地,漸漸

  24. do one's bit 儘自己的一份力量

  25. every bit 每一點,完全***一樣***


  1. arrive at 到達***某地***

  2. as a rule 通常,一般***說來***

  3. as...as... 象,如同,與…一樣

  4. not as...as... 不如…那樣

  5. as for as 就…而論,據…

  6. as for 至於,就…方面說

  7. as good as 幾乎***實際***已經

  8. as if 好象,彷彿

  9. as long as 只要

  10. as to 至於,關於

  11. as well 也,又

  12. as well as ***除…之外***也,既…又

  13. may as well 還是…的好

  14. aside from ***美***除…以外

  15. ask after 詢問,問候

  16. ask for 請求,要求,尋求

  17. assist in 幫助***做某事***

  18. assist sb. with sth. 幫助某人做某事

  19. assure sb. of sth. 使***某人***確信***某事***

  20. attach to 使屬於,使參加

  21. attach oneself to 依附;參加黨派

  22. be attached to 附屬於;喜愛;愛慕

  23. attach importance to 認為重要

  24. attain to 達到***理想的狀態***

  25. attend on 照顧,侍候


  1. attend to 專心;照顧,護理

  2. pay attention to 注意;重視

  3. be attentive to 對…關懷

  4. be available for 有效

  5. on an average 平均起來,一般說來

  6. be aware of 知道,意識到,認識到

  7. right away 立刻,馬上

  8. back and forth ***前後***來回地,往返

  9. back away 逐漸後退

  10. back of 在…的後面;在…背後

  11. get back at 報復

  12. go back on 丟棄***朋友等***;食言

  13. go back to 追溯到…

  14. back up 支援,援助;倒退

  15. keep one's balance 保持***身體***平衡

  16. lost one's balance 失去平衡;心慌意亂

  17. off balance 不平穩的,搖擺的

  18. on balance 總的說來

  19. based on 以…為基礎

  20. bear away 奪得;贏得***獎品等***

  21. bear sth. in mind 記住***某事***

  22. bear on 對…施加影響;有關

  23. bear out 證實,證明

  24. bear with 寬容;耐心等待

  25. beat down 打倒,推翻;殺***價***

