1、熟能生巧Practice Makes Perfect
2、讀書的快樂The Pleasure of Reading
4、放棄 Give Up
5、應試教育 Test-oriented Education System
6、面試前的準備Preparation for the Interview
7、助學貸款Students Loans
8、正確擇業 Choosing the Right Career
12、悲觀心態Pessimistic Mind
13、樂觀心態Optimistic Mind
18、珍惜時間Cherishing Time
19、大學生就業難It's Difficult for University Students to Look for Job/Difficulty Hunting for Jobs of College Students
20、失學Dropping Out of School/Leaving School
21、只注重考試成績Exam-Oriented Education
22、死讀書Study in a Rigid Way/Stressing Only Exam Score
1. aging of population人口老齡化
2. rush into the city衝進城市
3. to pay by installments分期付款
4. unemployment失業
5. pose a threat to構成威脅
6. traffic light交通燈
7. residential area住宅區
8. slums貧民區
9. 勤奮Diligence
10. 耐心Patience
11. 成功Success
12. 機遇Opportunity
13. 挑戰Challenge
14. 勤儉節約Thrifty
15. 創新Innovation
16. 拼搏精神The Determined Spirit
17. 奉獻精神The Dedication Spirit
18. 自信Self-Confidence
19. 誠實Honesty
20. 謙虛Modesty
21. 奮鬥Strive
22. 團隊精神&合作Teamwork Spirit &Cooperation
23. 競爭Competition
24. 實事求是seek truth from facts
25. 社會公德Public Morality
1. 禮貌Politeness
2. 提高個人修養Shaping the Morality
3. 愛心Love
4. 責任Responsibility
5. 美麗Beauty
6. 理解、諒解Understanding
7. 和諧社會Harmonious Society
8. 打好基礎的重要性The Importance of Fundamentals/Basic Skills
9. 可持續發展Sustainable Development
10. 美德Virtue
11. 謹慎Prudence
12. 尊老愛幼Respect the Old and Care for the Young
13. 仁義道德Virtue and Morality
14. 挫折與坎坷Twists and Turns
15. 逆境Setback
16. 成功無捷徑There Is No Shortcut to Success
17. 終身學習Life-Long Study
18. 從小事做起Start from Small Details
19. 人生處處面臨選擇We Are Always Faced Various Choices
20. 幽默感A Sense of Humor
21. 溝通Communication
22. 身心健康Physical and Mental Health
23. 捐獻Donation
24. 人才的素質The Qualities of the Talents
25. 業餘愛好Hobbies
26. 愛國主義Patriotism
27. 感謝對手Expressing Thanks to Our Rivals
28. 欣賞Appreciation
29. 關愛True Love
30. 信念Conviction
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