There is a saying that a student’s college life isn’t finished until he or she takes the CET. Shortfor College English Test, the large-scale standardized language test examines the Englishproficiency of undergraduate students. The CET is supervised by the National College EnglishTesting Committee.
Listening comprehension
In the new version of the CET, compound dictation is going to be replaced by dictation ofwords and phrases. In this part, students will hear a passage three times. They should get ageneral idea of the passage first, and then fill in the blanks with the exact words they’ve justheard.
Though the length and difficulty of the passage will not change, many students believe that thisalteration requires better listening skills.
Judging from the sample tests provided by the National College English Testing Committee, students will also need to work on their spelling, as words like “appropriately” appear in CET-4 and “statistically” in CET-6.
Reading comprehension
Reading a long passage will replace fast reading in Section B. The length and difficulty of thepassage are still the same, but it is followed by 10 statements.
Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs in the passage andstudents need to identify the paragraph with that information.
What makes this part tricky is that some of the paragraphs may contain similar statements, which increases the difficulty of making the right choice.
It’s easier to translate a sentence than a passage. That’s why students taking CET-4 will have totranslate a passage of 140-160 words, and those taking band 6 a passage of 180-200 words.
Such changes make students nervous, because they may make passing the CET more difficult. In a recent poll being conducted by Sina Weibo, more than 80 percent of the participants, nowexceeding 30,000, expressed such concerns.
Apart from translating an entire passage, the passage’s content will vary greatly, making itdifficult to prepare for this part.
In general, however, the passages will relate to China’s history, culture, economy and socialdevelopment.
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