




  The girl dances very well. 這個女孩跳舞跳得好。

  We must work hard. 我們必須努力工作。

  He does his work very carefully. 他做工作非常仔細。

  I want to see the film very much. 我很想看這部電影。


  He angrily closed the door. 他生氣地把門關上了。


  He has just left for work. 他剛剛離開去上班。

  We have already read the book. 我們都已讀過這本書。


  頻度副詞表示動作發生的次數,常見的有ever, never, seldom, sometimes, often, always 等,它們通常位於實意動詞之前,動詞 be、助動詞、情態動詞之後。如:

  He never reads such books. 他從不看那樣的書。

  He often comes to school late. / He is often late for school. 他上學常遲到。

  有時為了強調,頻度副詞也可位於動詞 be、助動詞等之前:

  She always was late. 她老是遲到。

  為了強調等原因,有時頻度副詞可位於句首或句末尤其受 very, only修飾時:

  Very often the phone rings when I’m in the bath. 電話經常在我洗澡時響起。

  Do you go to the cinema very often? 你常去看電影嗎?

  頻度副詞 always 和 never 通常不位於句首,除非是祈使句:

  Always remember this. 請時刻記住這一點。

  Never tell him the news. 千萬不要告訴他這訊息。

  在否定句中,有的頻度副詞可位於否定詞not之後或之前如usually, often,有的頻度副詞則必須位於否定詞之後如 always,而有的頻度副詞必須要位於否定詞 not 之前如 sometimes:

  He doesn’t usually come here. / He usually doesn’t come here. 他通常不來這兒。

  She doesn’t always come late. 她並非總是遲到。不能說 always doesn’t

  He is sometimes not satisfied with my work. 他有時對我的工作不滿意。



  Tom alone is coming. 只有湯姆要來。alone 位於被修飾的名詞或代詞後,意為“只有”

  Tom is coming alone. 湯姆將一個人來。alone 在此修飾動詞come,意為“獨自”

  Only I kissed her last night. 昨晚只有我吻了她即別人沒吻她。

  I only kissed her last night. 昨晚我只是吻了她即沒幹別的事。

  I kissed only her last night. 昨晚我吻的只有她即沒吻過別人。

  I kissed her only last night [last night only]. 我只是在昨晚才吻了她即其他時候未吻過。

  They secretly decided to leave the town. 他們祕密決定離開這個城市。

  They decided to leave the town secretly. 他們決定祕密地離開這個城市。

  He answered the question foolishly. 他對這個問題作了愚蠢的回答。

  He foolishly answered the question. 他愚蠢地回答了這個問題。

  Clearly he didn’t say so. 顯然他沒有這樣說。clearly 修飾句子,意為“顯然”

  He didn’t say so clearly. 他說得沒有那麼清楚。clearly 修飾動詞 say,意為“清楚”


  1. 用作狀語。如:

  He speaks English very well. 他英語說得很好。

  I often get up at six in the morning. 我經常是在早晨6點鐘起床。

  He went home yesterday. / Yesterday he went home. 他昨天回家了。

  2. 用作表語。如:

  I’ll be back in five minutes. 我五分鐘就回來。

  I must be off now. 我現在得走了。

  Is the radio on or off? 收音機是開著的還是關著的?


  誤:He looks very angrily.

  正:He looks very angry. 他看上去很生氣。

  誤:Mr. Smith is very carefully.

  正:Mr. Smith is very careful. 史密斯先生很仔細。

  英語中可用作表語的副詞主要是表地點的副詞以及某些與介詞同形的副詞,常見的有here, there, up, down, away, nearby, back, in, home, ahead, upstairs, downstairs, off, through, on, over 等。而且這些副詞只能用於連繫動詞be 後作表語,而不用於其他連繫動詞後作表語,如:

  誤:He seems here. / He seems away.

  正:He is here. / He is away.

  3. 用作賓語。如:

  It’s hot in here. 這裡面很熱。

  It’s not far from here. 從這兒去不遠。

  I’ll stay at home tonight. 今晚我將呆在家裡。

  副詞用作賓語的用法十分有限,通常只用作介詞賓語,並且只限於某些表示時間和地點的副詞,而且不同的副詞有不同的搭配特點,如 here和there 可與along, around, down, from, in, near, round, up 等介詞連用,但通常不與介詞to連用,如不說come to here, go to there 等注:from here to there是例外。



  Please ask him in, please. 請叫他進來。

  I’m pleased to see you back. 看到你回來了我很高興。



  Is there anything on tonight? 今晚有什麼活動嗎?

  The people there were very friendly. 那兒的人很友好。
